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Basically when students come in 4th - 5th semester they get start to get the placement drive, campus drives, like there are some csr activities through which students get opportunity to give interviews in companies so they can get select for the jobs. There are various courses held in our college with that courses students get certificate and knowledge about how to give interviews
Bachelor of Business administration is course with 6 subjects per semesters and From 2nd year you have to choose one specializtion and from that year 4 subjects are common and 2 are special subjects. There not so much practicallity in course but ok .
The course curriculum is pretty good and well defined the teaching methods are good sometimes the college also takes us to field trips to understand the concepts in a better way and improved way which is effective for every student out there
I want to go for the HR that's why i chose this course and i want to learn how the management works and how to improve social skills and I also have good communication skills that i want to improve with time.
I chose BBA because I am interested in business and setting my own empire rather than job! This course includes subjects like HRM (Human Resource management) which helps us in daily lives in our living and society. The exams are not too difficult but lengthy each question takes time so the time should be increased for the exam
My course which I am persuing is very affordable. The syllabus is dependent on old pattern. As the pattern is old so it is not that much beneficial but it is good. It also teaches us pratical application on various business
From 5th semester, students are eliglible to freely do any Internship by prior informing the college; in other days, early times of college, a strict procedure will be taken to understand the aspect of doing internship. Christ College offers vast opportunities of internship around the cities. My plans after getting bachelors degree is to start working for MBA.
Revelence to career Goal- The curriculam that align with our career aspiration can be siginificat factor in choosing course Practical Componenet- course with practical componenet such as internship labwork, indusrty project
College also provides the placement and shedule the interview for the students.But the students are willing to pursue higher education so the students who want the job they can be a part of interviews.Many interviews are arranged by the college.
I had a keen interest in business,so I chose BBA as my undergraduate course in this college.This specific curriculum provides practical knowledge with real life business applications. This Course needs more practical knowledge and less therotical knowledge. Exams are conducted every 2 months until the semester ends
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