How hard is it to get a GPA of over 9.5 at NIT Surathkal?

2 Answers

Tithi Aggrawal Posted On - Sep 13, 2023
Lives in New Delhi

One of my cousins scores a GP of 9.5 at NIT Surathkal. He claimed that it wasn’t exactly very challenging to achieve this milestone. He also mentioned some simple tips that helped him.

  • Attend the classes regularly and focus on everything being taught. This will reduce half the burden of studying before exams. 
  • Focus solely on your academics and nothing else if you are targeting such a high score. Your score will be affected if you focus on a lot of things.
  • Your first two semesters help make life easier. This is because your GPA in the first two semesters becomes the hallmark GPA of your entire college life. 
  • You will be disappointed by the academic standards. Don’t let that affect your score in any way. You have cracked the national level exam so you can study on your own too. 
  • The quality and taste of food might really be a big issue but don’t let it affect you drastically. 
  • Socialize with intellectual people, professors, seniors, etc.

If you follow the above points religiously, you might be able to get a 9.5 GPA easily.



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Rita Sarkar Seth Posted On - Mar 31, 2021
Studied at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal (2019)

In terms of getting selected, my cousin’s brother had a GPA of 9.47 at the end of the 6th semester. It although was not 9.5, yet it could be enough to put into consideration. It certainly is not difficult to obtain a GPA of 9.47. Speaking on behalf of the IT department, it can be tough acquiring high grades in the 1st year owing to a curriculum that ever since has been promoting rote learning.

Yet the answer would be that it clearly depends on numerous factors like an individual's interest in the course, the time that has been spent on it, and also the leniency of either professors or the departments.

However, if you are in Civil or Mining, then obtaining greater marks is comparatively much simpler than it is in other branches. Be that as it may, Chemical and EEE can have tremendously strict systems and professors, and at times, the grading factors get out of the box. 

While simultaneously, few other departments have almost 50-50 professors who are not highly strict in terms of the course. Alongside all of that, the Mechanical and ECE basically also have a lot of competition among students. 

The best way to settle among yourself this issue of GPA, you are required to put effort and painstaking hard work which however cannot be done overnight for most of the courses. The preparation of a student will definitely bring a decent 7.5+ grade point if worked properly.



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