Dr. M. Chinna Rao is a distinguished academician and able administrator with more than 19 years of experience. He has grown from the ranks right here in the institute, starting his teaching career as Asst Professor in the year 2004. He obtained his PhD from JNTU, Kakinada and Masters Degree from Ramappa Engineering College, Hyderabad. He has published 17 research papers in various reputed National and International journals, besides a couple of patents to his credit. In his impressive teaching and administrative career, he has consistently promoted innovative teaching practices and imaginative thinking. He has endeared himself to his students and colleagues alike through his affable nature and empathetic leadership style. He attended 20 Workshops.

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Lingayas Institute of Management

Being a HOD of Lingayas Institute of Management & Technology, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

We want to observe the regular attendance whether the student is properly coming to the college or not and the student is not coming to the college. We want to inform the parents and also monthly attendance will be displayed for every month so that if the student is in the regularity mode then automatically the performance will be good for a student.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

The healthy relations that will be maintained between the students and fellow faculty are there must be a daily interaction between the students and faculty. So if you consider the faculty means every week there will be a faculty meeting that must be done so that the problems that can be easily identified within the department. And also for every month at least, we want to conduct a CRC meeting so that the CR's will easily tell the problems that are in the class and also in the part of academics whether the syllabus is going in the correct manner or not.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?

We continuously do workshops and webinars so that all the students will have the minimum knowledge and they will meet the industry needs.

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain necessary skills? 

The best practices that will be offered by the department to students that will help for their gain of necessary skills. Like each and every week on Saturday we will conduct a programming club. There will be a club called program club. In that we will give the programs updated technology programs they want to write on their own within two to three different languages. Like if you give a question on C programming, the same question must be wanted to write in Java and Python also so that the students can be updated and it will be matched to the industry need. So this is one of the best practices for the students to meet the industry needs.

Check Lingayas Institute of Management & Technology Courses & Fees

How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated to make it befitting for the students? 

Each and every year there will be a BOS meeting, Board of Studies meeting. In that meeting, we will discuss the curriculum and if there is any upgradation towards the technologies and we will automatically modify the curriculum so that it will be beneficial to the students and to meet the industry needs.

What are your views upon the placements and higher education about the students from your department or How does your department prepare students for Higher education?

In the view of placements and education about the students, the department always supports both placements and higher education. There will be a CRT campus recruitment training within the college and also sometimes whenever the companies are coming to the college, we will provide the campus specific training so that the students will be able to perform very well in the examinations and also higher education. So in our college we will support higher education by giving GRE or GATE training.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

Extracurricular activities program that will be enhanced to the students so that they can easily match the real world challenges. There are both curricular Co curricular extracurricular activities that will be actively participated and we have CSC techniIt is completely about extracurricular activity. It is a technique of a department association. Though all the students in the CSC will part actively to meet the requirements. The challenges that will be faced for uplifting the latest educational policy meSo based on the upgrading technologies we will always modify the syllabus and also we will conduct the student specific seminars and webinars from the industry oriented persons.

When you came to college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same? 

The vision of the college and vision of the department is to uplift the students' technologies to meet the industry needs.

Check Lingayas Institute of Management & Technology Faculty

How does the department /college/ university enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to the industry standards? 

We always connect the FDP programs for the faculty so that the faculty is also ready to meet the industry needs.

What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to train/teach the students? 

So whenever there are webinars and seminars in the talk at most universities, our faculty will go to the universities and make ready the curriculum so that the same curriculum will be included in our college.

What do you see as the department’s/ college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

Department and college greatest strength are students and their best practices that will be applied to those.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead? 

The valuable advice to the students for them to have a prosperous career as a student. As a faculty The student must always be a learner so that each and every technology that will come under the industry needs will be matched to the student when the student is always in a learning procedure.