Dr.Y.Suresh Babu is the Director of Lingayas Institute of Management and Technology. He is a distinguished academician and able administrator with more than 23 years of experience. He has grown from the ranks right here at the institute, starting his teaching career as a Lecturer in the year 1999. Prior to assuming the position of Director, he was the Academic Coordinator at Lingayas Institute of Management and Technology.

Dr. Babu obtained his Doctorate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from JNTU, Hyderabad, after completing his Master’s Degree from JNTU, Kakinada, and B.Tech Degree from VR Siddhartha Engineering, Vijayawada. He has published 11 research papers in various reputed National and International journals and has a couple of patents to his credit. In his impressive teaching and administrative career, he has consistently promoted innovative teaching practises and imaginative thinking.

Lingayas Institute of Management

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

The education sector is an industry where there is scope for generating useful and responsible citizens. This is a platform that aids in constant learning and upgrading contemporary skills. I am involved not just in teaching the students; I also keep upskilling and learning the current trends, make them learn, and inculcate a value culture among the employees.

Being the Director of Lingayas Institute Of Management And Technology what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

My philosophy of leadership is not just a destination; it is a journey that keeps on adding new aspects. I personally feel I am best suited to this post, lead the team, and make appropriate decisions. My style lies in inspiring and leading the team through action.

Being the Director of Lingayas Institute Of Management And Technology, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

Any organisation plans and executes administration activities through the hierarchy and the administrative office. We use social media platforms to connect with students and parents and use digital advertising. Addressing the needs of students academically, organising industrial visits, and organising practical sessions are also priorities for our institute.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your university?

Our organisation mainly aims at helping students build self-awareness, providing platforms for integrated learning opportunities and getting students out into the real world and learning from their mistakes. We plan regular technical events to bring all the student communities onto a platform for contemporary technical exposure. Our college also aims to encourage both undergraduate and postgraduate students to publish their work.

How does the curriculum of Lingayas Institute Of Management And Technology ensure the best practice of industry?

The curriculum that we follow in our institution is designed by JNTUK. However, we regularly conduct industrial visits, and construction site visits and encourage our students to get involved in internships and community service activities. We also encourage students to take up final-year projects in line with industry.

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Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

In our college, fee reimbursement is given by the state Government. However, our institute admits students with merit and low economic backgrounds by waiving off their college fees or giving concessions on their fees.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

In general, the management of our institute believes in imparting a value education that motivates the students towards a focused career. We look into inculcating them with social responsibility and maintaining good relations with their parents and society.

What do you think should be the Institute's top priority over the next 10 years?

Our institute aims at overall development that can accommodate all the needs of students and automatically motivate them to choose our institute as their destination to achieve higher heights in their careers. We wish to see our students well-settled in different positions and pursuing higher studies.

When you first came to Lingayas Institute Of Management And Technology what was your vision for the university/institute? Has it evolved over time, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

Lingayas was well equipped with a well-defined vision and mission. Therefore, my role is to fill in with the necessary inputs as and when necessary and take the institute to the next level that caters for the needs of the students and their wellbeing.

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

I want others to know that our institute caters to students of all levels. We make our students capable of achieving their goals and make all aware that we value the time, effort, and needs of the parents.

What do you see as Lingayas Institute Of Management And Technology greatest strengths?

Our institute is conferred with dynamic leaders and visionaries, a chairman and principal, and highly qualified and experienced faculty. Moreover, our institute is equipped with modern Infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities. We have various divisions to address the needs of almost all the students and solve their problems there and then.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for Lingayas Institute Of Management And specifically?

Maintaining interest among the students and faculty members is one of the challenges that is faced by almost all the institutes. However, following the path of our elders can address this. Another challenge is the online education system, which has both pros and cons. The burning issue faced by almost all institutions is that age-old chalk and talk cannot be replaced with anything. However, any new technology can substantiate, but cannot be as efficient as the former.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

Youth must focus on valuing the value of faculty members, institutes, and nations and start thinking about taking their institute to the next level, which will ultimately reflect the name of the nation. Also, students need to aim to become edu-preneurs.

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for Lingayas Institute Of Management And Technology international affairs and/or students?

Our visionary Chairman has already taken constructive steps to sign MOUs with multi-national companies to get our students exposed to industries. We have also planned to organise regular industrial visits and technical events that would be helpful for our students to tap their inner talents.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute/ university?

We are the Lingayas family and we are already maintaining a healthy environment and good relations with all the staff working in our institute. We provide medical support to all our staff at our own medical facility and financially support them as and when necessary. In addition, we support our faculty to attend conferences and pursue higher studies. We morally support all the staff working in our institute as and when necessary.