An annual fest like sports, agriunifest occurs every year. KRISHI MELA is conducted every year. Here many kinds of agriproducts are displayed. There are lots of books are available in the library, like Principal of Plant Breeding by B.D. Singh, Fundamental of Agriculture by Arun Katyayan, Principal of Genetics by B.D.Singh and the research journals are also available in the library. In our faculty, there are both digital and traditional classrooms are available. Almost every classroom has a projector. Various kinds of sports like cricket, football, vollyball, basket Ball are played in the faculty. Social groups are like Red Ribbon Club and Drama Club is run by students.
There are annual fest, agri unifest and many occasions occurs every year. Krishi mela conducted every year on August in which you can participate at different sports and get award. In library you can avail many essential book and research journalist, spiritualand yoga books. You can avail both traditional and digital classroom. Each and every classroom have prejecter, good quality chair to sit. There are many sports tools are available in college. Social groups like ajay hostel club and drama clubs are run by students
To be honest I lived in hostel so our hostel food is so bad, And I guess my college faculty should improve that, Because without food we can't study well, in our hostel they take 6000rs per month, That's all
The annual fest is conducted in the month of September every year. the library is available for every department and the library to fill with thousands of books. Amenities like fan air conditioner computer and steel branch are available for students. Sports like basketball football and cricket tournament are held every six months later and extracurricular activities like dancing singing swimming are held on the college campus. Many Social groups for poor people are available in the college which is run by college students.
Jashn-e-doon -the fest which is conducted on 1 st week of April every year. There are 2 libraries are available. You can take 2 books only for 3 days. The classroom is so good, you never regret it. Basketball and cricket playground are also on campus. You can search on Facebook of the name of @Doonpgcollege
Jashn-e-doon is the name of the fest. which is held on the 1st week of April. The college has 2 libraries. And there are too many books available to study or you can take for 3 days. The classroom is too big. CC tv cameras are there. There is 1 table for 4 people. However, are a basketball playground available. cricket ground also. Most the students follow on DoonPGcollege on Facebook
The infrastructure is overall good. There are 2 libraries with most of the book. The fest is conducted yearly once, mostly in February or March. Talking about the canteen there is 1 canteen with good quality food.
The fresher party is organised every year by students But there are no sports facilities available. Very poor in terms of extracurricular activities. There is two libraries and one small canteen is there in the college
Project facility is available in our college teachers are explained every topic with the help of project Annual fast programs provided college Many sports are playing in our college like cricket volleyball. Etc
Annual fest conducted in April but due to COVID 19, this is suspended for 2 years. All books are available in the library so don't worry about books. There is a basketball team they practice. There are many accounts of Facebook and Instagram.
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