There is no loan facility in our college, because of the small fees structure, every students in our college is happy about the fees structure, you can also do some part time job to pay the fees and I haven't taken any loans by far.
Merit scholars only have to pay very cheap amount of fees to study Our college supports students who are very good in studies and sports, they provide many facilities in such a low amount of fees, they mainly concentrate on producing impeccable students
No, Our college is a Self Financing institution and that's why this college doesn't offer any scholarship. in Loans The Student contact with the bank or Banking Institution for Student Loans. In
There no scholarship in our college. Because it was self financed college. In first year three lot of problems in our college. It like a kid's school. There no grounds, goog building and entertainment programs. In second year we got new good building. There is lack of facilities in college. But it will be solved slowly.
I know our college sree narayana guru college of advaced studies , varkala can not provide any kind of scholarship or loan facility etc. Because this college is a private self financing college under SN trust.
No loan facilities are provided from the colleg but scholarships are given.As a self financing colleg loans may not be issued. Fees reductions are given to extreme poor background children for there betterment in future
There are many scholarship for students like e grant, etc, they provide good education scholorship for students.they help poor students to improve their studies.they reduce fees for poor students, the college management make good charitable works
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