The faculty to student ratio for architecture department is good. They have 4 faculty members per class (40 /45 students per division). Exams are conducted as- ISE 1 and 2, mid sem and ese followed by viva/orals. The course curriculum is also relevant and special attention is also given towards making students industry ready.
Faculty members are so good . They teach very politely. They cover all the syllabus as per given time . Our exams are taken in 4 term . Two 10 marks exam , one 30 marks and last semester exam of 50 marks . Exam are taken very strictly.
The teaching staffs are nice..they always support childrens. They allows us to them anytime if childrens has any doubt regarding to their subject Teachers are also very friendly, they will appreciate for good jobs and also scold for improvemnt For my course b arch drawing teachers are great they deeply unerstand our drawing and what we have try to show through our drawing. They also find the mistake to improve and that help students alot The exams like ISE,MSE,ESE Intersemester exams Mid semester exams End semester exams
There are two exams in a 5 month semester. One is mid term of 30 marks and end term of 50 marks. This along with internal marks are cummilated in the final result. The faculty is highly qualified and experienced. There is a 12:1 student faculty ratio. We also have visiting faculty for professional insights and exposure.
The faculty members are well educated . There are so many PhD members. The collage is autonomous collage in area. The exam is conducted in 4 step . This steps are ISE MSE ISE II AND END SEM EXAM . IN EACH SAME.
The faculty of the college is amazing. Whole staff will be friendly with you and support you in every small situations. As was from CSE department, cse department has excellent faculty and remaining branches also has good faculty members.
The faculty to student ratio is very good in this college you will find student to faculty ratio is good than many other colleges in the state and city so not to worry about. So thinking of good and bad faculties I don't there are bad faculties in the college I still haven't found any of the either all are good at their work and focused to do their own work and teach us and guide us. In this college there are semester wise exams in the college. As you know this college is an autonomous college they have their own University and their own exam bodies so all the things are quite happened on fixed time. Unlike many universities they fail to follow timetable like to announce results and other things. Here all things will happen on time.
Faculties are to good about interaction and all the different technologies. They are strict sometimes but also serious about our career. They punctual as well as honourable. Some new facultis have lack of experience but they are also brilliant knowledge
The faculty are highly qualified. Most of them are very knowledgeable people. Also they help you if you go to them. Some are very friendly as well. While some might be very rude at times. Generally they are good.
The faculty in our college are good problem solvers of the students but sometime they only focus on the bright students. The faculty of our college do teach well and there mentorship matters a lot as they guide us in a right path. Not all faculty members choose to interact with the students but with whom we interact they do solve our problem and guide us.
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