Dr. Niranjan Sutar is the Chairman of HGEA College of Pharmacy, Bokaro. He holds a PhD in Education and has 15 years of experience in academia and administration. Dr. Sutar began his academic journey as an Assistant Professor at prestigious educational institutes like the Institute of Pharmacy.

Dr. Niranjan Sutar

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

My main focus as Chairman is to create a well-rounded learning environment that promotes student development. To achieve this, I am implementing various strategies, such as promoting interdisciplinary education, encouraging participation in extracurricular activities and providing career counselling services. Additionally, I collaborate with the teachers to develop a curriculum that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical skills, ensuring that students are well-prepared for real-world challenges.

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

I take a different approach to addressing the issue of declining enrollment. First, I conduct market research to understand the reasons for the decline and understand the expectations of potential students. Based on this, I have developed a targeted marketing campaign to highlight the unique strengths and opportunities offered by our education community. Additionally, I work closely with the admissions team to streamline the application process and provide individual guidance to students. Also, I partner with local schools and educational institutions to increase the visibility of our college and attract more students.

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You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

The Chairman must have strong leadership skills, effective communication and collaboration with multiple stakeholders, and a deep understanding of the learning environment. Additionally, a good chancellor must have a passion for vision, change and learning. These qualities will motivate and guide others to success in teaching.

How will our college address the challenges of increasing student enrollment and retention?

We focus on several factors to address the challenges of increasing student enrolment and retention. First, I work to enhance the college’s reputation and visibility through effective marketing and outreach programs. I also ensure academic progression and support services that meet the needs and interests of students. Moreover, I build strong partnerships with local schools, organizations and businesses to build pathways for students and promote the college.

How do you create an inclusive learning environment for students in a college setting?

For an inclusive learning environment, I believe in promoting a classroom culture that celebrates diversity and respects all students. I encourage open communication and encourage students to share their unique experiences. Additionally, I incorporate a variety of learning strategies and resources to address different learning styles and abilities. By providing equal opportunities to all the students. By sharing and engaging, I ensure that every student feels valued and supported in their educational journey.

How is a difficult student or disruptive behavior handled in a college classroom?

Dealing with difficult students with disruptive behaviour requires empathy. First, I set clear expectations and rules at the beginning of the semester, making sure students understand the situation of their actions. When a student catches disruptive behaviour, I address the issue confidentially and respectfully, trying to understand the issue. I believe in open communication and listening, so I encourage students to share their concerns. In working with the students, my goal is to find solutions that encourage positive behaviour and a conducive learning environment.