Dr. Sindhu Krishnan is an Assistant Professor at The Cochin College in Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala, India, with an impressive experience of 25 years in the field of education. Throughout her tenure at the college, she has dedicated herself to shaping the minds of young students and imparting knowledge in Economics. As the head of the Economics Department, Sindhu Krishnan has played a crucial role in guiding and mentoring students, tracking their academic growth, and ensuring a conducive learning environment. With her wealth of experience, dedication, and passion for providing a holistic educational experience, Sindhu Krishnan has significantly impacted the students and the overall academic environment at Cochin College. Her tireless efforts in enhancing the quality of education and preparing students for future success are a testament to her commitment to excellence in teaching and academia.

Dr. Sindhu K The Cochin College

Being the head of the Economics Department, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

As the head of the Economics Department, my roles and responsibilities towards the students encompass a wide range of tasks aimed at ensuring their academic success and overall development. Firstly, I am responsible for tracking their academic performance by conducting entry-level tests and monitoring their progress through class tests and semesters. This involves assessing their strengths and weaknesses, providing guidance and support, and implementing measures to enhance their learning experience. Additionally, I oversee the day-to-day affairs of the department, such as monitoring teaching hours and attendance, and maintaining records for monthly attendance reports. Beyond academic performance, I recognize the importance of offering career guidance and orientation to students as they advance in their studies. I take a proactive approach by organizing career-oriented programs at both the tutor and mentor levels, assisting students in identifying their strengths and interests, and providing them with the necessary resources to make informed decisions about their future paths. Moreover, I acknowledge that some students may require appropriate guidance to access available resources and scholarships.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

Establishing healthy relationships with students and fellow faculty members is indeed a challenge, particularly in a large class like economics where there are numerous students to engage with. However, I believe that maintaining personal connections with students is crucial. While we have a campus-wide policy that most students adhere to, there may be some who present additional challenges. It is important not to restrict anyone but rather find ways to connect with and understand these students better. When it comes to fellow faculty members, managing relationships tends to be easier as they are generally dedicated to their designated work. However, establishing a strong rapport with students requires deliberate effort. It is essential to actively engage with students, both inside and outside the classroom. This can be achieved through open communication, approachability, and a genuine interest in their academic progress and personal well-being. Overall, establishing healthy relationships requires a proactive approach, attentiveness, and a willingness to address individual student needs. By investing time and effort into understanding and supporting students, we can create an environment conducive to academic growth, personal development, and mutual respect among all members of the department.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?

In order to bring a practical and industry-oriented approach towards subjects, we recognize the need to bridge the gap between academic requirements and the demands of the industry. At present, there is a lack of linkage between the curriculum and real-world applications in our university. The same curriculum is followed across different locations, without considering the local needs and resources available. To address this issue, we have taken the initiative to incorporate add-on courses that cater to the specific requirements of the local industry. By identifying the logistical possibilities and available resources, we offer courses such as banking, digital marketing, and other skill-based programs that provide students with practical knowledge and enhance their employability. These additional courses provide students with valuable skills that are in demand in the job market, thereby bridging the gap between academia and industry. By incorporating industry experts as guest lecturers, organizing industrial visits, and facilitating internships and placements, we further strengthen the practical aspect of education. These initiatives not only expose students to real-world scenarios but also provide them with valuable networking opportunities and industry connections. To ensure that the university needs to create a curriculum that is not only academically rigorous but also industry-relevant. By localizing the curriculum and offering practical add-on courses, we strive to equip our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen professions and meet the demands of the evolving job market.

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What are your views on the placements and higher education about the students from your department or how does your department prepare students for Higher education?

In terms of placements and higher education, the job opportunities specific to the field of economics may be relatively limited. However, we understand that students have diverse interests and career aspirations, and they often prioritize securing a job that is readily available rather than strictly following their field of study. In a city like Kochi, where there is a wide range of industries, students have the flexibility to explore job opportunities in various sectors. As a department, we recognize the changing dynamics of the job market and the individual choices students make. While we organize placement drives, we understand that the response may be balanced, as students have their own unique circumstances and preferences. We aim to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to different career paths and excel in their chosen fields.

Additionally, we are aware that many institutions now place less emphasis on completing graduation before entering the workforce. They provide certificates for certain skill sets, enabling students to start working early. However, when it comes to placement opportunities, the requirements may differ, and completing a full graduation program may still be preferred by employers. Regarding higher education, we encourage and prepare our students for pursuing further studies if they have a keen interest in the subject and wish to specialize in a particular area of economics. Overall, we acknowledge the trends and individual choices students make in terms of placements and higher education. While subject-specific job opportunities may be limited, we strive to equip our students with transferable skills and a solid foundation in economics, enabling them to navigate the diverse job market and pursue their desired career paths, whether through immediate job placement or higher education.

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What are the challenges you are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

Uplifting the quality of education in our department faces several challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of an atmosphere conducive to fitting in with the semester system. Our society is engaged in various activities that often disrupt the regular class schedule. Teachers may be absent for evaluation purposes, university exams may interrupt the academic calendar, or other programs may cause disruptions. This inconsistency in the academic year makes it difficult to plan the syllabus effectively. Another challenge is the issue of grading. With a large number of students in a class, typically around 55-60, it becomes a challenge to effectively evaluate and grade each student’s performance. In addition to attendance monitoring, we must also assess seminar participation and assignments. Managing the workload associated with grading and providing feedback to such a large number of students is a significant challenge.

Furthermore, the syllabus itself presents a challenge as it is not updated adequately. The university’s syllabus was last updated in 2017 and has remained unchanged since then. The lack of periodic revisions hampers our ability to keep up with evolving knowledge and industry trends. Even autonomous colleges, which have the authority to modify their syllabus to some extent, face limitations in making substantial changes. This results in outdated content and a failure to align the curriculum with current developments in the field. In conclusion, the challenges we face in uplifting the quality of education in our department include the need to adapt to the semester system in an atmosphere of constant activities, effectively compressing the syllabus, managing grading for a large number of students, and addressing the lack updates in the syllabus.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

In order to enhance the skills of our students and expose them to real-world challenges, we have implemented various extracurricular activities and programs within our department. One such program is the Open Forum, where students are encouraged to present their thoughts and engage in discussions on different topics. This allows them to develop their public speaking, critical thinking, and analytical skills. Additionally, we organize a program called Front Up, which focuses on current issues and features guest speakers and videos that promote awareness and stimulate intellectual debates. Alumni interactions provide students with valuable insights into the practical aspects of their field and higher education opportunities. We also conduct orientation programs for freshmen and raise awareness about social issues such as drug abuse through collaborative efforts with the police and other authorities. Moreover, students have the opportunity to join the National Service Scheme (NSS) and participate in activities aimed at community development. We have also established an innovation club, where students can explore their creative ideas and collaborate with external institutions.

Studying abroad is a trend now what is your view on that?

The trend of studying abroad has gained significant popularity, and it offers various advantages to students. One notable benefit is the higher value addition they receive through pursuing postgraduate courses in foreign institutions. The emphasis on writing and research conducted abroad is typically greater, leading to a more comprehensive skill set. Independent study patterns followed in foreign educational systems also enhance the students' value and recognition in the job market. On the other hand, studying in a domestic setting can present certain challenges. One such challenge is the limited job opportunities available at the national level, despite the abundance of institutions and courses to study. The saturation of the job market can make it less rewarding for students to pursue their education in their home country. In contrast, studying abroad provides students with a wider range of opportunities for gainful employment, expanding their horizons and increasing their chances of career success. Overall, while there are challenges and limitations associated with studying in one’s home country, the trend of studying abroad is driven by the potential for higher value addition, better research opportunities, and increased job prospects. It is important for students to carefully consider their individual circumstances, career goals, and the specific benefits that studying abroad can offer in order to make informed decisions about their educational journey.

What do you see as the department’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

One of the department’s greatest strengths lies in its strong alumni network and the close relationship it maintains with its students. Although the department may not have a large number of prominent alumni, the satisfaction and connection that students feel towards their alma mater are significant. The department has fostered a sense of support and availability, ensuring that students can reach out whenever they require assistance or guidance. This personal touch and ongoing connection with alumni contribute to the department’s strength. To further enhance this strength, the department is focused on expanding its alumni network and actively engaging with former students. By organizing alumni events, workshops, and mentorship programs, the department can create opportunities for alumni to share their experiences and expertise with current students and encourage alumni to participate in guest lectures, career guidance sessions, and recruitment activities can also provide valuable insights and opportunities for current students. By continuously nurturing and strengthening the alumni network, the department can leverage its expertise, experiences, and resources to enhance the overall learning and career development opportunities for students. This collaborative approach ensures that the department remains connected to its graduates and maximizes the benefits of its strong alumni base.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

Valuable advice for students to have a prosperous career ahead is to not limit themselves to traditional course selections. It is important for students to explore new and emerging courses that align with their interests and future career prospects. The education landscape is constantly evolving, and students have the power to create new demands and shape the offerings of educational institutions. Students should actively seek out courses that are in line with their passions and align with the changing needs of industries. They should not hesitate to explore unconventional fields or interdisciplinary subjects that can provide unique skill sets and open up new career opportunities. By diversifying their course selection and thinking outside the box, students can position themselves for success in a rapidly changing job market.

It is essential for students to take the initiative in revolutionizing the education system by actively participating in the creation of new demands. They should communicate their interests and needs to educational institutions, encouraging the development of diverse and relevant courses. By doing so, students can contribute to a more dynamic and responsive educational ecosystem that caters to the evolving demands of the professional world.

In summary, students should embrace the opportunity to diversify and revolutionize the education system by selecting courses that align with their interests and future career prospects. By actively participating in shaping the demands and offerings of educational institutions, students can pave the way for a prosperous and fulfilling career ahead.