Dr. Smitha N R is the HOD of Zoology at The Cochin College. She completed her undergraduate studies in Zoology at The Cochin College, and went on to pursue her postgraduate studies in Zoology from Maharaja's College, Ernakulam. Her enthusiasm for research led her to complete her PhD from CIFNET.

Prior to her role at Cochin College, Dr. Smitha served as a Senior Research Scientist at Media Lab Asia in Bombay. Drawing upon her diverse experiences, she brings a unique perspective to her current role, fostering an environment of academic excellence and research-driven learning. In addition to her responsibilities as the HOD of the Zoology Department, Dr. Smitha also serves as the Convener of the Nature Club at Cochin College where she actively promotes environmental awareness and conservation among students.

Dr. Smitha N R (The Cochin College)

Being the head of the Zoology Department, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

As the head of the Zoology Department, my primary roles and responsibilities towards the students are multifaceted. Firstly, I strive to create a conducive learning environment where students can excel academically and develop a deep understanding of zoology. I work closely with the faculty members to ensure the delivery of high-quality courses that cover a wide range of topics within the field.

I actively address their needs and provide support of students from underprivileged backgrounds. I collaborate with other departments and external organizations to explore additional opportunities for financial support, internships, and research grants for our students.

Furthermore, we prioritize experiential learning and practical training. Apart from academic requirements, we organize internships and training programs that enable students to gain hands-on experience. To promote awareness and a deeper understanding of zoology and its relevance in society, we conduct regular awareness classes and programs. These initiatives aim to foster a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness among our students.

What significant changes have you seen in the students after COVID?

After COVID, there has been significant changes observed in students, particularly in terms of their focus and attention span. One notable change is a decrease in the level of focus among students. With the shift to remote learning, many students have struggled to maintain the same level of attentiveness they had in a traditional classroom setting.

Additionally, the attention span of students appears to have been adversely affected. Extended periods of online learning, characterized by hours spent in front of a screen, have made it difficult for students to sustain their attention for long durations.

Furthermore, the discipline that was once present in students' approach to their studies seems to have diminished to some extent. The informal nature of online learning, coupled with the absence of physical classrooms and direct supervision, has led some students to adopt a more relaxed attitude towards their academic responsibilities.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

To foster healthy relationships with both students and fellow faculty, our department organizes various programs and initiatives. One approach we employ is empowering students to take the lead in organizing programs, which not only builds their confidence but also strengthens the teacher-student relationship. Additionally, we recognize the significance of spending quality time with our students outside the classroom. Field study trips and nature camps provide valuable opportunities for interaction and engagement.

Moreover, the relationships among faculty members are crucial to creating a harmonious academic environment. By working closely together, sharing ideas, and collaborating on research projects, we strengthen our bonds and build a sense of camaraderie.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?

To bring a practical and industry-oriented approach to subjects, our department has implemented several initiatives over the past two years. One of the key approaches is to provide students with opportunities to engage in project work and internships. We collaborate with research labs to offer students valuable hands-on experiences in areas such as biotechnology and microbiology.

In addition to practical experiences, we also focus on preparing students for placements and higher education. We conduct career guidance classes, which offer insights into potential career options and help students make informed decisions about their professional journeys. Furthermore, we organize awareness programs to guide students towards successful career paths. This includes informing them about entrance exams for higher education and providing preparation support for life science courses.

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How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

To help our students cope with the high level of competition in the outside world, we employ various strategies that focus on building their confidence and providing them with a realistic understanding of the potential outcomes of studying zoology. One effective approach is showcasing the feedback and success stories of our alumni. When we admit new students, we ensure they have access to testimonials and feedback from previous students who have studied zoology in our department. It serves as inspiration and motivation for current students, demonstrating the possibilities and opportunities that await them upon completion of their studies.

Furthermore, we encourage interactions between current students and alumni. By organizing events or creating platforms for such interactions, students have the opportunity to directly engage with former students who have successfully navigated the competitive world beyond academia.

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Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students?

Yes, we do have extracurricular activities and programs in place to enhance the skills of our students. Our department actively promotes and supports their artistic talents, providing them with opportunities to showcase their skills. We encourage participation in sports competitions, allowing students to exhibit their athletic abilities and foster a sense of teamwork.

One of the highlights of our extracurricular activities is the association meetings, where students are given a platform to demonstrate their talents. This includes events like Freshers' Day, where new students can showcase their skills and talents in various activities. Moreover, we support and encourage student writers and storytellers. We have a program called Manuscript, where students with writing skills can contribute their short stories. Similarly, students with artistic abilities, such as drawing, have their talents featured in the Manuscript magazine. This initiative provides a platform for students to showcase their literary and artistic skills.

What are the challenges you facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

The challenges we face in uplifting the quality of education in our department are significant. One of the main challenges is the fast-paced nature of the semester system. With back-to-back exams and a wide syllabus, it becomes difficult to cover all the topics within the limited time frame. This results in reduced working days and makes it challenging to provide students with the attention they need.

Another challenge we encounter is the transition to online education. While there is widespread support for online learning, many students do not enjoy it as much as in-person education. The lack of physical interaction and the different dynamics of online classes can make it difficult for students to fully engage and participate. The post-COVID era has introduced additional challenges. Students are facing emotional difficulties and their attention spans and focus have been affected.

When you came to this college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

When I joined this college, my vision was to foster a collaborative and cohesive environment within the department. I recognized the importance of teamwork and believed that by working together, we could achieve great things. From the very beginning, I prioritized building strong relationships with my colleagues, emphasizing the significance of maintaining rapport and open communication.

One of the ways I have tried to achieve this vision is by promoting a sense of teamwork and unity within the department. I have encouraged collaboration among faculty members, fostering an atmosphere where ideas are shared, and everyone's contributions are valued. Additionally, I have tried to establish a rapport with them, I aim to create a conducive learning atmosphere where students feel comfortable, supported, and motivated. This contributes to their overall academic growth and well-being.

What do you see as the department’s/ college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

The greatest strengths of our department are the close connections and shared experience among the teachers. All of the faculty members in the department are alumni of the same college. This shared background and common educational journey bring a unique perspective and understanding to our teaching approach. This sense of continuity and tradition creates a strong bond and a deep sense of commitment to the department's success.

To enhance this strength, we can further leverage our shared experience and build upon the legacy of our predecessors. By actively engaging with alumni and encouraging their involvement, we can tap into their expertise, insights, and network.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

My valuable advice to the students for a prosperous career ahead is first, it is important to understand that simply passing exams is not enough in today's competitive world. Students should be proactive in utilizing all available resources to their advantage. This includes making use of libraries, conducting research using online platforms such as Google, and leveraging the power of social media for educational purposes.

Secondly, adaptability is a key trait for success in any career path. Students should be prepared to navigate various challenges and be open to embracing different situations. The job market is constantly evolving, and it is essential to be flexible and ready to learn and adapt to new circumstances. Additionally, I would emphasize the importance of being mentally prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. A prosperous career journey often involves facing obstacles and setbacks. Students should cultivate resilience and a positive mindset to overcome these challenges.