The faculty to students ratio is around 1: 60. The faculties are very good and excellent. They provide one to one interaction with students. There are total 6 exams are there in one semester here areis.
The faculty to students ratio is 1: 30 . I like lot of faculties because they guide all students with very good. Every sem6 6 exams happen . Exams are easy to moderate. Not many students fail to clear the exam.
There were one teacher for every twenty students. Each student was provided with a mentor to approach to. The faculty was very helpful and easily approachable. The faculty that i personally liked the most was Dr. Priyanka, because of her strong knowledge in the finance course. The exams were not very difficult and could easily be passed if you paid attention during lectures.
90 lectures / semester for every subject. Extensive curriculum for each specialization. 3-4 electives with most relevant study material. Interactive learning with only about 25 students per batch. Interaction with Industry experts is also very much useful.
The faculty of the institution is very good. They are well qualified and trained with a great experience. They have good command over their respective subjects. They also encourage students in every possible way and help them when they need.
To teach Business Administration that too Masters, requires professionals who are trained and skilled in this purpose. Our faculty department comprises of such professionals who teach with a lot of patience.
Faculty was pretty supportive and motivating. They all had business expertise and appropriate qualifications for teaching business at an postgraduate level and corporate experience which clearly reflected in their teaching methodology. Guest faculty was also pretty talented and informativen and gave us some of the valuable insights regarding the market.
All of our faculty members were adequately qualified and supportive. They all had a plethora of corporate experience under their belt. Faculty to student ratio was only around 1:10, which enabled the professors to allocate adequate time to each student.
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