When you find a colleges that have those three characteristicsâ??reputable and varied academic programs, a focus on educating the whole person, and a campus culture that is the envy of all other collegesâ??plus, the heritage cultures.
Course Curriculum Overview
Because the quality of teaching is good and teacher's also have great knowledge and And all staff and faculty are also well qualified they clear our doubt, conduct tutorials class for better understanding and are very helpful.
Placement Experience
Yes college have 100% placement and college is also very supportive.they shared all the important updates about the companies They inform us each every detail of the company and teacher's are also very supportive.they provide us with new ideas and project in which we can work.
College Events
My college focus on cultural event and educational seminars which are very helpful. Campus life is amazing it has basketball ground, clean and affordable food facilities. There are different clubs for extracurricular events.