Dr. Rajkumar Pandey is the Dean of the Engineering and Technology Department at Scope Global Skills University. He obtained his B.Tech. in information technology in 2006. Following that, he completed his postgraduate studies in the same field in 2012. He has over 17 years of combined experience in both industry and academia. He has a track record of publishing more than a dozen research papers in national and international journals and conferences and one patent.

Scope Global Skills University

Being a faculty member of the Engineering and Technology Department, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

In the realm of the Engineering and Technology Department, my role extends wide, nurturing the learning process and students’ transformation. Understanding each student’s level, teaching with effectiveness, customizing methods, and ensuring their learning’s progressiveness Training becomes pivotal, shaping success for every mind, guiding them forward, and ensuring the success they find. A faculty’s duty lies in moulding, training their skills, empowering them to triumph, and fulfilling their potential.

What are the challenges you faced or are facing to uplift the quality of education in your department?

Uplifting education’s quality poses a formidable quest within India’s scope; challenges are put to the test. Our department grapples with a scarcity of faculty’s array and students from rural realms, where progress finds delay. Training these minds and honing skills in such a terrain is a daunting challenge, yet not beyond our reach. Striving to bridge this gap, despite profound hurdles, seeks solutions to ensure quality’s surround. The essence lies in dedication and in perseverance’s stance. Tackling these challenges is a quest we undertake for a brighter education with every effort we make.

What are your views on the placements and higher education of the students in your department?

Higher education is a vessel for holistic growth and more nurturing understanding, unlocking the potential core. For students in our department, it plays a vital role in enriching knowledge and advancing towards their goals. This knowledge has an impact on a personal and national scale, is a catalyst for progress, and is an integral detail. With this depth, placements find a prosperous tune, students are equipped, and opportunities are opportune. Higher education’s essence is pivotal in its stride, empowering futures where talents can abide. Success in placements is indeed a testament to the enrichment gained through higher education’s leadership.

Check Scope Global Skills University Placement

How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty members?

Fostering healthy relationships with both students and fellow faculty involves several key elements: Open Communication: Building rapport starts with open and respectful communication. Actively listening to concerns, ideas, and feedback creates an environment of trust. Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and encouraged to promote a sense of belonging and camaraderie Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration on projects or activities fosters teamwork, leading to mutual understanding and respect among peers. Empathy and Understanding: Understanding different perspectives and being empathetic to the challenges faced by both students and colleagues build stronger connections. Accessibility and Approachability: Being accessible and approachable establishes a sense of availability for guidance, advice, or assistance when needed. Consistency and Fairness: Being consistent and fair in dealings with everyone ensures equity, which is essential for trust and healthy relationships to flourish. By incorporating these aspects into interactions, I aim to cultivate an environment where relationships thrive, fostering a sense of community and mutual support within the academic setting.

What valuable advice would you like to give the students for a prosperous career ahead?

To the students aspiring for a prosperous career ahead, here’s some valuable advice: Passion and Purpose: Pursue what truly ignites your passion and aligns with your values. Let purpose guide your career choices; it will fuel your dedication and satisfaction. Continuous Learning: Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning. The world evolves rapidly; staying updated and adaptable is key to success. Resilience and adaptability: challenges will arise. Cultivate resilience to bounce back and adaptability to navigate changes, turning obstacles into opportunities. Networking and Relationships: Build and nurture relationships. Networking opens doors and fosters collaborations crucial for growth and opportunities. Embrace Failure: Failure isn’t a setback but a stepping stone towards growth. Learn from it, adapt, and persevere. Work Ethic and Integrity: Maintain a strong work ethic and integrity. Your reputation and trustworthiness are invaluable assets. Balance and Well-Being: Prioritise your well-being. Balance work, personal life, and self-care to sustain a fulfilling and successful career. Purposeful Risks: Don’t fear taking calculated risks. Sometimes, the greatest opportunities lie beyond comfort zones. Seek Mentorship: Find mentors or guides. Their experience and advice can be invaluable in shaping your path. Contribute and Give Back: As you succeed, remember to give back. Contributing to your community or field can be immensely rewarding. Remember, your career journey is unique. Stay true to yourself, stay curious, and embrace the adventure ahead with resilience and enthusiasm.