Mrs. Pooja Prakash is the Managing Trustee of the ARAM Institute College of Nursing, Pharmacy, and Paramedical in Ranchi. She holds a master’s degree in Nursing for which she also received a gold medal.

Mrs. Pooja Prakash

Being a Faculty of the ARAM INSTITUTE - College of Nursing, Pharmacy, Paramedical – Ranchi, what are your roles and responsibilities toward the students?

As a Managing Trustee, I have the responsibility of managing all the college departments. I focus on providing opportunities for my teachers to take part in research, stay connected with their fields and provide the best facilities and education to my students. I also have administrative duties to take care of but first and foremost is education and teaching my students.

When you first came to this college, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved over time, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

My vision has always been to coordinate teaching with the everyday experiences of life. I believe that education cannot be gained only from the books. They can be gained from taking part in research too. For that, I always try to bring real-life examples from the industry into my teaching. My philosophy of teaching is rather guided by such experiences and how my everyday experiences reshape my teaching.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your college?

Establishing friendly relations in the college is tricky but a necessity. Often, we find both teachers and students complaining about each other. They fail to listen and understand each other’s parts. I advise my teachers to be patient and treat the students like they are their students as they have a big hand in influencing their lives and future careers. Likewise, students are advised to always approach us if they face any difficulty.

How do you help your students to cope with the competitions being so high in the outside world?

I always tell my students that they deserve what they desire. But for that first, you have to make yourself competent for the competition. You have to make yourself eligible for the competition. For this, we have introduced a class on soft skills development of the students, which not only takes care of the linguistic skills but also their communication skills, both of which are extremely necessary at the workplace. Public speaking is also one subject that can help you improve your presenting skills, which is also a requirement nowadays.

What are the challenges you are facing to uplift the quality of your department?

One thing I have noticed since I joined this institute is that the number of students joining is increasing every year. However, the development of the infrastructure is not keeping pace. We need more modern facilities in our classrooms and for our extracurricular activities to keep our students engaged. More faculty members also need to be hired. These are the major challenges we have been facing recently.

Any suggestion you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

There are many technological innovations around you. There has been such a technological revolution and you are loaded with information. You need to know to select the relevant
information and adjust your focus accordingly. Remember to pay back to society your dues and contribute your part. There are many areas today that have to be looked after properly for which young people like you can come forward.