"My time at Ahmedabad University was invaluable. Professionally, it provided me with a strong foundation in strategy management, market analysis, and consumer understanding, which has been instrumental in my career growth. Personally, it augmented my knowledge and helped me develop analytical and goal-oriented skills, along with the ability to think critically and creatively", says Raj Shah, an alumnus of Ahmedabad University's Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme. 

Raj Shah works with The Address, a venture specialising in design solutions for co-working spaces. He is responsible for strategising and establishing long-term development objectives to fulfil the company's strategic ambitions. His role also entails collaborating with various teams to ensure that the solutions align with the brand's vision and mission.

"Working at The Address, I have gained expansive experience in finance and management and acquired industry-centric skills that have enhanced my overall skill set. My role here has honed my problem-solving capabilities, and the ability to work effectively in teams, enabling me to tackle various industry challenges”, said Raj. The constantly evolving industry landscape and work ethos across sectors, however, require professionals to continuously innovate, going beyond merely responding to challenges. What enabled Raj to stay ahead in the game and keep up with the dynamic technologies and changing industry demands was the strong foundation of knowledge and skills that he acquired at Ahmedabad University.

Raj also asserts that Ahmedabad University's Career Development Centre and the Office of Alumni Affairs and Advancement played a crucial role in his professional life by providing him access to industry insights, guest lectures, and networking opportunities through participation in internships and industry projects. 

Reminiscing nostalgically about college life, Raj said, “I have gathered a lifetime of memories at the University, and miss the camaraderie among classmates, the stimulating discussions during lectures, and the sense of belonging to a community dedicated to learning and growth. One of my fondest memories is that of organising Concourse—the Management Fest, which offered me an opportunity to showcase my skills and learn from industry experts." 

Ahmedabad University's campus life is characterised by a range of vivacious activities, extending beyond traditional academics, including several student-run clubs, University-wide events, sports, and field trips, among others. These activities foster the holistic development of students, while ensuring their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Raj mentions the student-run management club, peer tutor group, student mitr, student-led academic event Nalanda, alumni association, and University-level events like the Annual Economics Conference, convocation, orientation, youth fest, cultural fests, and the Foundation Day, among the extracurricular activities that he actively engaged in. “These interests outside the classroom shaped my leadership, teamwork, and communication skills”, he avers.

He advises students at the University to explore their interests, and learn from the highly accomplished and supportive faculty members, preparing students for successful lives and careers.

Addressing future MBA aspirants, Raj suggests that they should continually nurture their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. “Also, since networking is a key element in the business world, you must strive to connect with professionals in your field and build relationships that can help advance your career. Most importantly, stay true to yourself and your values, and never stop pursuing your passions", he concludes.