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CG PAT 2024 Exam Pattern, Check Exam Mode, Question Paper Pattern, Marking Scheme, Syllabus

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CG PAT 2021 Dates

CG PAT 2024 exam pattern is available at the official website, i.e., The test is conducted offline in pen and paper mode (via OMR sheet). You will be asked a total 150 MCQ based questions during CG PAT 2024 examination. Each correct answer carries a +1 mark weightage. Although, there is no negative marking for any incorrect or unattempted answers.

The total time duration allotted for completing CG PAT 2024 question paper is 3 hours. The question paper will be set in bilingual format, i.e., in both Hindi and English. It must be noted for marking answer in CG PAT 2024 OMR sheet, only blue or black dot pen must be used. Any kind of rough work at CG PAT 2024 OMR sheet is not allowed.

The syllabus of CG PAT 2024 exam is also released at the official website. CG PAT 2024 syllabus has been divided into three sections. For those appearing in Science groups, must answer questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics or Biology. Likewise, for those in Agriculture groups, must answer questions from Agriculture group, they shall get questions from Elements of Science Mathematics, Crop Production and Horticulture, and Elements of Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming.

CG PAT 2023 Pattern

CG PAT 2024 Exam Pattern Highlights

The highlights of CG PAT 2024 exam pattern has been tabulated below:

Particulars Details

Exam Mode

Offline (Pen and Paper/ OMR sheet)

 Number of papers


Number of sections 

  • Science Groups- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology;
  • Agriculture Groups- Elements of Science Mathematics, Crop Production and Horticulture, and Elements of Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming

Question Paper Type

Objective type questions(MCQ)

Total Questions 150 questions

Total Marks

150 marks

 Exam duration

3 hours


English and Hindi Language

CG PAT 2024 Exam Pattern in Detail

CG PAT 2024 exam is a Pen and Paper Mode exam for candidates belonging to Chhattisgarh. This exam contains 150 multiple choice questions. For each correct response, candidates will be rewarded with one mark. The entrance exam is of 3 Hours and the exam paper will contain the objective type questions. There will be no negative marking in the exam.

CG PAT 2024 Science Group Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

Science Group contains 3 subjects Physics, Chemistry and any 1 subject either Mathematics or Biology. Following is the exam pattern of Science Group that include some useful details about subjects:

Subject Marks
Physics 50
Chemistry 50
Mathematics/Biology* 50
Total 150 Marks

CG PAT 2024 Agriculture Group Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

Agriculture Group contains 3 subjects- Elements of Science mathematics useful for Agriculture, Crop production and Horticulture, Elements of Animal husbandry and poultry farming. Following is the exam pattern of Agriculture Group that include some useful details about subjects:

Subject Marks
Elements of Science mathematics useful for Agriculture (Ag-1) 50
Crop Production and Horticulture (Ag-2) 50
Elements of Animal husbandry and Poultry Farming (Ag-3) 50
Total 150 Marks

Elements of Science mathematics useful for Agriculture is divided into 4 parts. These are:

  • AGRIL Physics
  • AGRIL. Chemistry
  • AGRIL Mathematics
  • AGRIL. Botany Zoology

Following is the exam pattern of Elements of Science mathematics useful for Agriculture:

Subject Marks
AGRIL Physics 10 Marks
AGRIL. Chemistry 15 Marks
AGRIL Mathematics 10 Marks
AGRIL. Botany Zoology 15 Marks
Total 50 Marks

CG PAT 2023 Books

CG PAT 2024 Recommended Books

Following are the books which helps in preparing for CG PAT 2024 entrance examination:


Book Name


Nem Raj Sanda

A Competitive book of Agriculture

Crop production and Horticulture

Arpit Gaur and Ashok Malav

Agriculture at a Glance Revised Edition (An Enhanced Competition Explorer)

Crop production and Horticulture

HC Verma

Concepts of Physics (Part I)


HC Verma

Concepts of Physics (Part II)


DC Pandey

IIT JEE Physics


I.E. Irodov

Problems in General Physics


Resnick, Halliday, Walker.

Physics for entrance exam


S.S. Krotov

Problems in Physics


Morrison Boyd

Organic Chemistry


O.P Tandon

Organic Chemistry


R.C. Mukherjee

Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations


P. Bahadur

Numerical Chemistry


J.D. Lee

Concise Inorganic Chemistry


Hall and Knight

Higher Algebra


A Das Gupta

Differential Calculus


I.A. Maron

Problems in Calculus of One Variable


S.L. Loney

Trigonometry, Geometry Books


CG PAT 2023 Important Instructions

CG PAT 2024 Syllabus

CG PAT 2024 syllabus is now available at the official website in the form of a brochure. The syllabus of both Science and Agriculture groups are as follows:

CG PAT 2024 Physics Syllabus

  • Units and dimensions, Dimensional analysis, S.I. Units, motion in two dimensions. Cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration, General relation among position and velocity. Uniform circular motion, Force and inertia, Newton's laws of motion, conservation of momentum and energy Static and kinetic friction.
  • Work energy and power, Elastic collisions, Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy and its angular conversion to kinetic energy. Potential energy of a spring. Rigid body rotation and conservation of its momentum, Moment of inertia, theorems of parallel and perpendicular axis, (Moment of inertia of uniform ring, disc thin rod and cylinder only).
  • Acceleration due to gravity and its variation. Universal law of gravitation, geostationary satellites escape velocity.
  • Hookes law, Young's modulus, shear and bulk modulus, surface energy and surface tension, kinetic theory of gases, gas laws. kinetic eneroy and temnerature
  • Specific heats at constant volume and constant pressure, Mechanical equivalent of heat isothermal and adiabatic processes.
  • Heat conduction in one dimension, convection and radiation. Stefan's law and Newton's law of cooling.
  • Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, Oscillations due to spring. Wave motion principle of super position, progressive and stationary waves, beats and Doppler effect.
  • Wave nature of light. Interference, Young's double slit experiment, velocity of light and Doppler's effect in light.
  • Reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, curved mirrors, Lenses, mirror and lens formulae. Dispersion in prism, absorption and emission spectra.
  • The human eye, defects of vision, magnification and resolving power of telescope and microscope. 'e' and 'e/m' for an electron, Einstein's photoelectric equation, photocells.
  • Bohr model of the atom, Hydrogen spectrum, Composition of nucleus, atomic masses and isotopes, radioactivity, laws of radio active decay, decay constant, half life and mean life, Mass-energy relation, fission, X-Ray: properties and uses.
  • Elementary ideas of conductor, semi-conductor and insulator, intrinsic and extrinsic semi- conductors, pn junction as a rectifier.
  • Bar magnet lines of force, torque on a bar magnet due to magnetic field, earth's magnetic field, tangent galvanometer, vibration magnetometer.
  • Coulomb's law of electrostatics, dielectric constant, electric field and potential due to a point charge, dipole, dipole field, Guass's law in simple geometrics.
  • Electrostatic potential, capacitance, parallel plate and spherical capacitors, capacitors in series and parallel, energy of a capacitor.
  • Electric current, Ohm's law, Kirchoffs laws, resistances in series and parallel, temperature dependence of resistance, wheat ston bridge, potentiometer. Measurement of voltages and currents.
  • Electric power heating effects of currents, chemical effects and law of electrolysis, thermoelectricity, Biot-Savart law, Magnetic fields due to a straight wire, circular loop and soienoid.
  • Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field (Lorentz force), magnetic moment of a current loop, effect of a uniform magnetic field of a current loop, forces between two currents; moving galvanometer. ammeter and voltmeter
  • Electromagnetic induction induced emf Faraday's law. Lenz's law, self and mutual inductance. Alternating currents impedence and reactance growth and decay of current in L- R circuit, elementary idea of dynamo and transformer.

CG PAT 2024 Chemistry Syllabus

Chemistry Part Syllabus
General and Physical Chemistry Structure of Atom, Chemical Bond, Solutions, Solid State, Nuclear Chemistry, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibria in Solutions, Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetic, Electrochemistry, Surface Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry Principles of Metallurgical Operations, Chemical Periodicity, Comparative Study of Elements, Transition Metals, Co-ordination Compounds, Chemical Analysis
Organic Chemistry Organic Compounds, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Nomenclature, Polymers, Biomolecules

CG PAT 2024 Mathematics Syllabus

  • Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Co-ordinate Geometry of Two Dimensions
  • Co-ordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions
  • Vector Algebra
  • Differential Calculus
  • Integral Calculus
  • Differential Equations
  • Statistics
  • Numerical Methods
  • Linear Programming

CG PAT 2024 Biology (Botany) Syllabus

  • Structural Organization of Cell Theory
  • Mendel’s Law of Inheritance
  • Difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
  • Five Kingdom Classification
  • Mircrosporogenesis, Megasporogenesis
  • Tissue and Tissue Systems
  • Enzymes and Growth Hormones
  • Ecosystem
  • Role of Plants in Human Welfare
  • Principles of Plant Breeding

CG PAT 2024 Biology (Zoology) Syllabus

  • Multiceullularity- State and Functions of Animal Life
  • Developmental Biology and Genetics
  • Taxonomy Evolution Economic Zoology

CG PAT 2024 Agriculture Physics Syllabus

  • Principle of Archimedes, Floating bodies density and relative density, determination of R.D. by Hydrometers.
  • Atmospheric pressure. Fortins barometer and its relation to weather condition manometer.
  • Pumps-Force and Vaccum pumps, syphon suction pumps.
  • Friction-Laws of Friction, angle of friction, coefficient of friction and its determination, advantages and disadvantages of friction.
  • Machines- simple machines such as plas, lever, pully, Simple wheel, their construction, and working mechanical advantages, Velocity ratio efficiency of machine.
  • Gravitation and gravity: Relation between 'G' and 'g' simple, Harmonic motion Simple pendulum, law of gravitation.
  • Unit of heat, Specific heat, thermal capacity, water equivalent of heat, determination of Specific heat of solid and liquid, latent heat, determination of latent heat of ice and steam.
  • Transmission of Heat-Conduction, Convection and Radiation, Conductivity, good and bad conductor, Newtons law of cooling-simple idea.
  • Light, Rectilinear, propagation of light, Shadow and eclipse, pinhole camera, reflection through Prism, Dispersion of light, dispersive power spectrum, their type, spectrometer.
  • Optical instruments. Human eye, its defects, photographic camera, simple and compound microscope, Telescope.
  • Magnetism, Magnetic field, intensity of magnetic field, lines of forces: neutral point, couple acting on magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field. Magnetic movement of magnet. Tangent law and its limitation.
  • Electric charge - Electric potential, electric field and its intensity due to a point, potential inside a conductor.
  • Electrical capacity, its unit, its value for a Spherical conductor, principle of condensers capacity of spherical and parallel plate condenser.
  • Ohms law. Resistance, grouping of resistance, Electromotive 'force and potential difference, potentiometer its principle, comparison of EMF of two cells by potentiometer.
  • Elementary idea of healing effect of Current, Joule's law, Determination of 'j' by Joule's Calorimeter, elementary idea of the house wiring electric iron, Electric power and energy.

CG PAT 2024 Agriculture Chemistry Syllabus

  • Atomic Structure
  • Chemical Bonds
  • Ionic Theory
  • Colloids
  • Introduction of Important Minerals Present in Soil and their Chemical Composition
  • Chemical Fertilizers
  • Volumetric Analysis Strength of Solution
  • Introduction to Organic Chemistry
  • Classification  and Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, Isomerism
  • Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
  • Fermentation
  • Oil and Fats
  • Elementary Biochemistry

CG PAT 2024 Agriculture Botany and Zoology Syllabus

  • Plant anatomy, (i) Root-Structure and Functions (ii) Stem-Structure and Functions (iii) Leaf Structure and Functions.
  • Agril Botany Zoology : Classification of plants. (i) Outline of classification of plants, (ii) study of the Following families, (a) Compositeae) (b) Leguminosee (c) Cucurbitae (d) Solanaceae. (e) Malvaceae (f) Cruciferae (g) Gramineae.
  • Plant Breeding and genetics, (i) Definition of Genetics and plant breeding and role of Genetics in plant breeding (ii) Cell-its structure and cell division (iii) Principle of inheritance, (iv) Self and cross pollinated crops, (v) Methods of breeding field crops.
  • Plant Physiology - (i) Respiration, types Function, Photosynthesis Transpirations (iv) Plant growth arid development. Animal Kingdom- i) Classification- of animal kingdom, (ii) Useful and harmful - insects of agriculture- Silk-worm, Honey bee, LAC insect, Termites, Grass hopper, grass caterpillar Anatomy and physiology Elementary internal anatomy of grass hopper, earthworm and cockroach with reference to digestive, Respiratory and reproductive system.

CG PAT 2024 Crop Production and Horticulture Syllabus

  • i) Introduction and activities of agriculture and crop production, (ii) Importance of crop production in National Economy (iii) Different Branches of Farming and their importance.
  • Soil and Soil Fertility: (i) Soil and its constituents ii) physical properties of Soil-Soil texture and Structure porespace, specific gravity, plasticity, cohesion and soil temperature (iii) Formation of soil-classification of soil in C.G. and their characteristics (iv) Soil corrosion its kinds, their causes and control, measures of soil conservation (v) Soil acidity and alkalinity and their reclamation, soil-pH:
  • Tillage: (i) object of tillage, tillage operations, ploughing, leveling, harrowing, intercultivation (ii) Tillage implements, country plough improved ploughs, harrows and cultivators, threshers, winnowers and seed drills, tractor driven implements.
  • Manures and Fertilizer : (i) Essential elements for plant growth (ii) Description and uses of organic manures F.Y.M. Compost green manures (iii) Different Nitrogenous, phosphate and potash fertilizers, properties and uses.
  • Production of crops : (i) Classification of crops according to seasons and economic classification ii) Cultivation of Kharif crops-jowar, Maize, Groundnut, Cotton, Paddy, Soyabean, Arhar, Urad, Moong (iii) Rabi crops- Wheat, Linseed, Mustard, Sugarcane, Gram, Barely under following heads 1. Preparation of land 2. Sowing operation 3. Seed rate per hectare 4. Manures and fertilizer 5. Irrigation. Intercultural and weeding 7. Improved varieties 8. Yield per Hectare 9.  Disease : pests and their control.
  • Irrigation land Drainage : i) Object of irrigation and drainage (ii) Sources of irrigation and drainage (iii) Method of irrigation and drainage (iv) Water requirements of crops (v)Duty and discharges of water. (vi) Common water lifts. Diesel and electric pumps.
  • Weed and weed control.
  • Cropping scheme, importance of principles of: (i) Crop rotation (ii) Principle cropping. (iii) Mixed-and inter cropping (vi) Dry farming (v) Cooperative farming.
  • Elementary Surveying-importance of surveying. Elementary survey with the help of chains, instruments used in survey as optical square, cross staff offset rod, dumpy level, recording of field book.
    Introduction (i) Importance and scope of Horticulture (ii) Pomology-location and layout, (iti) Planting system Trimming, pruning, inter-Cropping, winds, breaks, protection from frost and sunburn (vi) Care maintenance and rejuvenation of fruit, orchards.
  • Vegetable Gardening (i) Kitchen gardening (ii) Cultivation of Radish, Carrot, cole crops, onion, Brinjal, Chilies, Tomato, potatoes.
  • Fruit cultivation (i) Vegetative propagation-Budding, inarching and Goottee cutting, Grafting and Layering (ii) Cultivation of papaya, Banana, Grapes, Mango, Guava and Citrus fruits
  • Ornamental Gardening (i) General Cultivation of Winter and Summer season annuals ii) Ornamental and flowering plants, Trees, Shrubs, Climbers, hedges and Hedge plants, (ili) Common ornamental and flowering plants e.g. Rose, Carina and Chrysanthemum (iv) Preparation and maintenance of Lawns.
  • Fruit and Vegetable preservation- Canning and bottling Technique i) Simple canning and bottling techniques, use of suitable containers like aluminized plastic and paper (ii) Washing, Blanching and peeling of fruits and Vegetables, trading of fruits for canning.
  • Preservation of Fruits and vegetables (i) General principles and methods of fruit and vegetable preservation ii) processing by heat, preservation by antiseptic drying, preservation by fermentation. dehydration and packing (ili) preparation of Jelly, lime squash and Tomato sauce.
  • Rural Finance i) Cultivator's Finance needs for farmers (ii) Sources of credit (iii) Organisation of Rural Cooperative credit and marketing societies.
  • Agriculture Business planning and Management (i) Inventory of farm resources (ii) Identifying family assets and liabilities iii) Maintenance of farm Records and Accounts.

CG PAT 2024 Elements of Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming Syllabus

  • Introduction
  • Improved Cattle Breeds
  • Care and Management of Cattle
  • Breeding of Cattle
  • Dairy Farming
  • Mil Production
  • Composition of Milk
  • Physical Properties of Milk
  • Feed and Feeding
  • Judging of Cattle
  • Dairy Appliances
  • Milk Products
  • Common Diseases of Cattle
  • Poultry Farming
  • Housing and Ration for Poultry Birds
  • Diseases of Poultry

CG PAT 2024 Important Instructions

Following are the important instructions while using the OMR Sheet or writing the exam:

  • The candidates should not open the sealed Test Booklet until the invigilator announces to open it.
  • After opening the sealed Test Booklet, the first thing students have to do is to verify the serial no. and series of the Test Booklet with the serial no. and series of OMR Sheet.
  • If any student finds any variation in the serial no. and series of Booklet and OMR Sheet, then they need to immediately inform the invigilator to replace it with another set of same series available in the exam hall centre.
  • Answer Sheet is scanned on Optical Scanner so students have to fill it carefully by Blue/Black ball point pen only.
  1. Roll Number of student
  2.  Student's name
  3.  Father’s Name
  4.  Signature of the student
  • The answer once marked is not liable to be changed.
  • While filling up the circle, remember that it should not be left light or faintly darkened.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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