MD Syllabus and Subjects: Specializations, Scope, List of Courses

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MD or Doctor in Medicine is a popular 3-year postgraduate course that medical candidates pursue after completing MBBS including their 1-year internship. This is an honorable postgraduate degree that specializes in non-surgical procedures. 

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There are many specializations in various fields when it comes to pursuing MD. These various fields can be Anaesthesiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Radiology, Pathology, General Medicine, Radiotherapy, Physiology, etc. All these specializations play different and important roles in the field of medicine. 

Top MD Specializations

After completing the five and a half year MBBS degree, candidates can choose to pursue higher studies. The two most commonly preferred postgraduate options are: Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Master of Surgery (MS). Some of the top MD specializations are as follows:

MD Anaesthesiology Subjects

This course is designed with the objective to provide information on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anesthetic drugs, cardiovascular, respiratory neurological, hepatobiliary, relevant physical principles involved in the construction and functioning of equipment used in anesthesia and monitoring etc. 

  • Intensive Care Unit - This includes understanding the spectrum of critical illnesses requiring admission to ICU and also includes cardiovascular, respiratory, Renal , Central Nervous system, Infectious diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, principles of Transplantation, monitoring and biostatistics, etc.
  • Cardiovascular Anesthesia - This includes understanding cardiac physiology, developing knowledge of cardiovascular anesthesia, preoperative assessment , cardiopulmonary bypass, procedures and anesthetic implications etc. 
  • Neuroanesthesia - This includes understanding basic concepts of the Central Nervous system, mastery of autoregulation of blood flow, blood flow response to cerebral oxygen, etc. 
  • Pain Management - This includes differences among the different chronic pain states, types of drugs that relieve pain and their efficacy, laboratory tests, radiologic studies, acute and perioperative pain syndromes proficiency etc. 
  • Pediatric - The syllabus is divided into four aspects such as preoperative, Intraoperative, Postoperative and special problems etc.
  • Obstetric - This includes evaluating neonate and principles of neonatal resuscitation, drugs, alteration of maternal physiology during pregnancy, effects of anesthesia, perinatal pharmacology and placental transfer of drugs etc.

MD Anatomy Subjects 

Through this program, the candidates will acquire in-depth knowledge of the structure of the human body from the gross to the molecular level and also the underlying principles of the structural organization of the body. 

  • Gross Anatomy - This includes the anatomy of the entire body, structure in detail and functional correlation dissection of the human body, anatomical techniques, fixation and preservation of dead bodies etc. 
  • Developmental Anatomy - This includes Gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation and placenta, early embryonic developmental, general embryology, development of organ systems etc. 
  •  Histology and Histochemistry - This includes Cell Biology, cytoplasm, cytoplasmic matrix, cell membrane, cell organelles, cytoskeleton, cell inclusions, tissues of Body, systems/organs of body etc. 
  • Immunology - This includes the Immune system and the cell types involved in defense mechanisms of the body. Gross features, cytoarchitecture, functions, development and histogenesis of various primary and secondary lymphoid organs in the body etc. 
  • Genetics - This includes Human Chromosomes - Structure, number and classification, methods of chromosome preparation, banding patterns, Single gene pattern inheritance: Autosomal & Sex chromosomal pattern of inheritance, Intermediate pattern and multiple alleles, Mutations etc. 
  • Neuroanatomy - This includes Brain and its environment, Development of the nervous system, Neuron and Neuroglia, Somatic sensory system, Olfactory and optic pathways, Cochleovestibular and gustatory pathways, Motor pathways, Central autonomic pathways, Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system, Cross sectional anatomy of brain and spinal cord.etc.
  • Applied Anatomy - This includes Clinical correlations of structure and functions of the human body, Anatomical basis and explanations for clinical problems, Applications of knowledge of developmental, micro, neuro anatomy to comprehend deviations from normal, etc. 

MD Biochemistry Subjects 

The main purpose of this course is to enable students to understand, envisage and explain life processes as molecular events and apply knowledge and skills in clinical problem solving.

  • General and Clinical Biochemistry Enzymology and biostatistics - This includes Cell structure, its biochemical makeup and functions, membrane structure and functions, cytoskeleton, structure and functions of proteins, muscle and plasma proteins, Principles and mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis, enzyme kinetics and regulation of enzyme activity. etc. 
  • Metabolism , Bioenergetics, Nutrition, Vitamins and Hormones - This includes Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, porphyrins, purines, pyrimidines, their regulation dysregulation and inter-relationships. Inborn errors of metabolism, genetic disorders etc.
  • Molecular Biology, Immunology, Cancer - This includes Biochemistry and molecular biology of cancer, DNA repair. Purines and pyrimidines, Complement system, hypersensitivity, immune tolerance, immunity to infection, autoimmunity & autoimmune diseases, tumor immunity, genetics of immune response, transplantation etc. 
  • Techniques in Experimental Biochemistry, and Recent Advances in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - This includes General Laboratory Techniques and procedures, pH meter, balances, Centrifugation, subcellular fractionation, Radioactive Isotopes their application in biomedical research. 

MD Biophysics Subjects 

MD in Biophysics includes various disciplines such as biology, medicine, physical sciences and computer applications, advanced research in various aspects of biophysics etc.

  • Applied Biophysics, Molecular Pharmacology, biostatistics, biomechanics and medical informatics - This includes Definition and determination of important pharmaco-kinetic, parameters, pharmacokinetic basis of individual difference in response to drugs, pharmacokinetic properties, Structure and conformation of drugs and receptors, drug-receptor binding forces, hemoglobin as a model receptor etc.
  • Biophysical Techniques and Computer Programming - This includes Basic principles, instrumentation and applications of visible, ultraviolet, infra-red, optical rotatory dispersion, circular dichroism and Raman spectroscopies.Basic principles of nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear Larmor precession in the applied magnetic field etc. 
  • Cellular and Molecular Biophysics - This includes Organization and structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, plasma membrane, organelles, nucleus and cytoplasm, functions of membranes, organization and replications of, transcription, translation and regulation of gene expression in malignancy, differentiation, cell cycle.etc.
  • Applied Biophysics: Imaging Techniques, radiation Biophysics, Nuclear Medicine, Bioelectricity- This includes Ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography, computerized axial tomography, whole body scanner, dose calibrators, gamma scintillation camera, digital imaging techniques, acquisition,etc
  • Laboratory Experiments - This includes determination of unit cell constants using Weissenberg method, PCR experiment, DNA Electrophoresis, Isolation of Plasmid DNA etc. 

MD Community Medicine Subjects 

Community Medicine helps the students become aware of physical, social, psychological, economic and developmental aspects of health and disease in individual, family and community etc. 

  • Concepts of Health - This includes Definition of health; appreciation of health as a relative concept; determinants of health, Characteristics of agent, host and environmental factors in health and disease and the multifactorial etiology of disease, Understanding of various levels of prevention with appropriate examples etc. 
  • Epidemiology - This includes Use of epidemiological tools to make a community diagnosis of the health situation in order to formulate appropriate intervention measures, Epidemiology : definition, concept and role in health and disease, Natural history of a disease and its application in planning intervention etc. 
  • Epidemiology of Specific diseases- This includes Extent of the problem, epidemiology and natural history of the disease, Relative public health importance of a particular disease in a given area, Principles of planning, implementing and evaluating control measures for the diseases at the community level bearing in mind the relative importance of the disease, etc. 
  • Biostatistics- This includes scope and uses of biostatistics, Collection, classification and presentation of statistical data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Obtaining information, computing indices (rates and ratio) and making comparisons etc. 
  • Environmental Sanitation - This includes Awareness of the relation of Environment to Health, Awareness of the concept of safe and wholesome water, Awareness of the requirements of sanitary sources of water, Understanding the methods of purification of water on a small scale with stress on chlorination of water etc. 
  • Reproductive and Child Health - This includes Need for specialized services for women and children, Concepts of “high risk” and “MCH Package”, child survival and Safe Motherhood, Integrated Child Development Services Scheme and other existing regional programs, etc.
  • Demography and Family Planning - This includes Definition of demography and its relation to Community Health, Stages of the demographic cycle and their impact on population, Reasons for rapid population growth in the world, especially in India, etc. 
  • Health Planning and Management- This includes public health, public health administration, regionalisation, comprehensive health care, primary health care, delivery of health care, planning, management, evaluation, National Health Policy, Development of Health Services in India and various committee reports etc. 

MD Dermatology and Venereology Subjects 

Dermatology and Venereology course provides knowledge of basic clinical speciality, dermatological disorders and their treatment, diagnosing and manage common skin diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and leprosy etc. 

  • Dermatology - This includes Fundamental of History taking and examination of dermatological patients , Type of skin lesions , Distribution patterns, Aids in diagnosis of skin diseases etc.
  • Venereology - This includes Anatomy of male and female genitalia, Syphilis and other treponematoses, immunology, pathology, diagnosis, Treatment, control , Gonococcal urethritis and complications, Lymphogranuloma venereum etc. 
  • Dermatosurgery - This includes Punch grafting, Split skin grafting,Dermabrasion and suction blister grafting, Tattooing, Scar revision, Chemical peeling etc. 

MD Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Subjects 

  • General Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - This includes Identify the role of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, blood bank, psychiatry, radiology, forensic science laboratory and other disciplines of medical science to logically conclude in Medico-legal autopsies and examination of Medico-legal cases etc. 
  • Medical Ethics & Law - This includes Describe medical ethics and the law in relation to medical practice, various declarations, Medical Council of India, disciplinary control, duties of a registered medical practitioner, consent, confidentiality, medical negligence and consumer protection act. Etc .
  • Clinical Forensic Medicine - This includes Examine, assess legal implications and prepare report or certificate in cases of physical assault, suspected drunkenness, sexual offenses, consummation of marriage and disputed paternity .Collect, preserve & despatch the specimen/material to the concerned authority and interpret the clinical and laboratory findings which are reported etc. 
  • Forensic Psychiatry - This includes common terminologies of Forensic importance in Psychiatry, Medico-legal aspects of Psychiatry and mental health, role of Psychiatry in crime investigation, punishment and trial etc. 
  • Medical Toxicology - This includes Examine & diagnose the poisoning cases and apply principles of general management and organ system approach for the management of poisoning cases, toxic hazards of occupation, industry, environment and the principles of Predictive Toxicology, etc. 
  • Forensic Pathology - This includes the principles involved in methods of identification of human remains by race, age, sex, religion, complexion, stature, hair, teeth, anthropometry, dactylography, foot prints, hairs, tattoos, poroscopy and superimposition techniques etc. 

MD Laboratory Medicine Subjects 

  • Organization of Laboratory - This includes Spatial organization, flooring, ventilation, drainage, disposal of waste, Lab. Safety – Prevention of Physical, Chemical & Biological Hazards. First Aid in Lab. Accidents. Legal aspects , Financing, Budgeting and Cost accounting, Special reference to glasswares, chemicals & dangerous poisonous chemicals etc. 
  • Quality Assurance - This includes Methods of detection of errors, Corrective measures to minimize the errors , Methods of documentation of the whole procedures, Onward transmission of the knowledge and skill to the other laboratory etc. 
  • Clinical Biochemistry - This includes Chemistry, identification, synthesis, determination, separation, metabolism, and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Diabetes Mellitus, Hypoglycemia, Structure, synthesis, function and physiological significance of proteins. Hypo- and Hyperproteinemia etc. 
  • Clinical Haematology & Transfusion Medicine- This includes Detection and typing of anemia, Polycythemia, Neutrophilia, Eosinophilia, Basophilic, Lymphocytosis, Neutropenia, Lymphopenia, Agranulocytosis, Leukemia diagnosis, classification, clinicopathological correlation, Thrombocytosis, thrombocytopenia, platelet function, Investigation of bleeding disorders, Automation in hematology, Bone marrow physiology and pathology etc. 
  • Clinical Microbiology - This includes Gastroenteritis and bacterial food poisoning, Septicemia, wound infection, burn, U.T.I., R.T.I., C.N.S. infection, meningitis, encephalitis, STDs/AIDS, opportunistic infection, congenital infections and infections in vulnerable groups e.g. AIDS, Cancer, Geriatrics, Premature babies, Pregnancy etc.
  • Clinical Immunology- This includes Physiology of Immune System, Hypersensitivity Reactions, Autoimmune Diseases, Transplantation Immunology, Host-Parasite interaction etc. 

MD Medicine Subjects

  • Basic Sciences- This subject teaches students about the basic human anatomy, functioning of various organs, control of vital functions, interpretation of symptoms and signs in relation to patho-physiology, common pathological changes in various organs associated with diseases and their correlation with clinical signs, knowledge of various microorganisms, epidemiology, etc.
  • Aging and Geriatric Medicine- This subject teaches students about the biology, epidemiology and the neuro-psychiatric aspects of aging. 
  • Clinical Pharmacology- This subject deals with the principles of drug therapy, biology of addiction and complementary and alternative medicine. 
  • Genetics- This subject gives an overview of the paradigm of genetic contribution to health and disease, principles of Human Genetics, single gene and chromosomal disorders and gene therapy. 
  • Cardiovascular diseases- This subject teaches about the approach to the patient with possible cardio-vascular diseases, heart failure, arrhythmias, hypertension, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, infective endocarditis, diseases of the myocardium and pericardium, diseases of the aorta and peripheral vascular system, etc.

MD Microbiology Subjects 

  • General Microbiology & Immunology - This includes History of microbiology, Microscopy, Bio-safety including universal precautions, Physical and biological containment, Sterilization and disinfection, Morphology of bacteria and other microorganisms, Nomenclature and classification of microorganisms etc. 
  • Bacteriology & Mycology - This includes Gram positive bacilli of medical importance including Lactobacillus, Coryneform organisms, Bacillus & aerobic bacilli, Actinomyces, Nocardia, Actinobacillus and other actinomycetales, Erysipelothrix, Listeria, Clostridium and other spore bearing anaerobic bacilli etc
  • Virology & Parasitology - This includes DNA viruses of medical importance including Poxviridae, Herpesviridae, Adenoviridiae, Hepadna virus, Papova and Parvo viruses, Entomology: common arthropods & other vectors viz. mosquito, sandfly, ticks, mite, cyclops, louse, myiasis.etc. 
  • Applied Microbiology & Recent Advances - This includes infections of various organs and systems of human body viz. respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, central nervous system infections, congenital infections, reproductive tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, hepatitis, pyrexia of unknown origin, infections of eye, ear & nose, septicaemia, endocarditis, haemorrhagic fever etc.

MD Nuclear Medicine Subjects 

  • Basic Sciences - This includes Basic physics of Nuclear Medicine imaging, x-ray computed tomography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasonography, Single Photon Emission Tomography & Positron Emission Tomography etc. 
  • Radiation Biology & Protection - This includes biological effects of radiation exposure with emphasis on the effects of low level exposure, system wise, Administrative and technical means of procuring radionuclide, Method of reducing unnecessary radiation exposure to patients, personnel and environment, Calculation of the radiation dose from internally administered radionuclide etc. 
  • Radiopharmaceuticals - This includes Physical and Chemical Characteristics of radionuclide used in Nuclear Medicine, Radiopharmacy generator produced radiopharmaceutical, Criteria for selection of radionuclide etc. 
  • Diagnostic Imaging - This includes General clinical indications for and limitations in their appropriate usage, normal and altered anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and metabolism of various organs, to be examined, technical performance of the procedure including proper patient preparation and patient management before, during and after the procedure.etc. 
  • Organizational Considerations - This includes Design of laboratories or various sizes & capacity as per the norms of BARC, Planning & scheduling of the patient work load, Economic aspects of nuclear medicine and cost-effectiveness of nuclear medicine procedures, Public relations, Role of National and International Organizations like AERB, MCI, NMC, BRIT, BARC, IAEA, ICRP etc. 

MD Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subjects

  • Basic Sciences - This includes Normal & abnormal development, structure and function of (female & male) urogenital system and female breast,Applied anatomy of genito-urinary system, abdomen, pelvis, pelvic floor, anterior abdominal wall, upper thigh, Physiology of Spermatogenesis, Endocrinology related to male and female reproduction etc. 
  • Obstetrics- This includes full range of obstetrics, including high-risk obstetrics and medical and surgical complications of pregnancy, Genetics, including the performance and assistance of prenatal diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and patient counseling , Learning and performing operative vaginal deliveries, including obstetric forceps or vacuum extractor, Performing vaginal breech deliveries etc. 
  • Gynecology- This includes the full range of the content of medical and surgical gynecology ,Diagnosis and medical and surgical management of urinary incontinence, Diagnosis and nonsurgical management of breast disease, including fine needle aspirations, Reproductive endocrinology and infertility etc. 
  • Contraception, Neonatology and Recent Advances - This includes contraception, medical termination of pregnancy, national health programmes, care of newborn, Detection and management of fetal/neonatal malformation etc, 

MD Ophthalmology Subjects 

  • Medical Ophthalmology - This includes Principles, Equipment & indications, Preparation of patient, dyes used and procedure side effects of FA : F-Scopy, Specialized FA procedures including Oral FA, Low dose FA and anterior segment angiography etc.
  • UVEA - This includes Anterior Uveitis- Aetiology and classification, Clinical work up, Treatment ,Posterior Uveitis- Clinical picture, Treatment & role of Immunosuppressants, New entities, Basic Principles of Relevance- Anatomy of the uveal tract, Element of the immune system etc. 
  • Glaucoma - This includes Diagnosis of glaucoma- Tonometry types, standardization, use, Gonioscopy, Surgical nerve head and nerve fiber layer evaluation, Diagnosis of glaucoma- Basics of Perimetry,Comparison of Goldmann’s automated, Newer Tests for glaucoma etc. 
  • Ophthalmoplasty - This includes Congenital ptosis- Anatomy of LPS & principles of ptosis surgery, Surgical procedures, Complications of ptosis surgery, Lid reconstruction- Anatomy & basic requirements, Small and large defects, Defects on medical side, Contracted socket, Etiopathogenesis & principles of management, Closed methods of repair conjunctival & skin grafting, Dermis fat graft etc. 
  • Neuro Ophthalmoplasty - This includes Papilledema- Etiopathogenesis, Clinical picture, Differential diagnosis, Optic neuritis- Clinical picture, Visual prognosis, Treatment, Space occupying lesions of sellar region, tumors, Supra sellar tumors, Parasellar tumors etc. 

MD Pathology Subjects 

  • Autopsy pathology - This includes Identify and correctly diagnose at least 90% of the microscopic lesions found in most autopsies, and be able to correlate the pathologic changes with the patient’s clinical history and events of a few days preceding death etc. 
  • Cytopathology - This includes Independently preparing and staining good quality smears for cytopathologic examination and being conversant with the principles and preparation of solutions of stains, Demonstrate conversance with the techniques for concentration of specimens: i.e. various filters and cytocentrifuge etc. 
  • Hematology - This includes utilizing the principles of the practice of Haematology for the planning of tests, interpretation and diagnosis of diseases of the blood and bone marrow, Osmotic fragility, Fetal Hemoglobin, Sickling phenomenon, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Prothrombin time (PT), Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) etc. 
  • Laboratory Medicine - Demonstrate familiarity with and successfully perform the macroscopic and microscopic examination of Faeces and identify the ova and cysts of common parasites etc.

MD Pediatrics Subjects 

  • Growth and Development - This includes principles of growth and development normal growth and development, normal growth and development in sexual maturation and its disturbances in childhood and adolescence failure to thrive and short stature. normal newborn etc. 
  • Neonatology - This includes perinatal care, low birth weight care in the labor room and resuscitation newborn. It also includes feeding, prematurity, respiratory distress, common transient phenomena etc
  • Nutrition- This includes maternal nutritional disorders; nutrition for the low birth weight, impact on fetal outcome, breast feeding, infant feeding including vitamin and mineral deficiencies complementary feeding. 
  • Cardiovascular - This includes congenital heart diseases rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart (cyanotic and acyanotic). 
  • Respiratory - This includes congenital and acquired disorders of nose infections of the upper respiratory tract, tonsils and adenoids obstructive, sleep apnea, congenital anomalies of lower respiratory tract and acute inflammatory upper airway 
  • Gastrointestinal and liver disease - This includes disease of the mouth oral cavity and tongue disorders of deglutition and esophagus peptic ulcer disease H. pylori infection foreign body congenital pyloric stenosis intestinal etc 

MD Pharmacology Subjects

  • General Pharmacology Principles and Applied Sciences -This includes the Basics of principles of diagnosis and treatment of human poisoning. Clinical features of common poisoning. Antidotes in the management of poisoning. Principles of clinical toxicology. Applied analytical toxicology and toxicovigilance etc. 
  • Systemic pharmacology, Chemotherapy and Therapeutics - This includes the Autonomic nervous system Central nervous system Autacoids Drugs affecting kidney function and Cardiovascular system Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal and respiratory system Drugs affecting uterine motility Chemotherapy of parasite infections etc. 
  • Experimental Pharmacology, Bioassay and Statistics - This includes Experimental methodologies involved in the discovery of drugs (in vivo, in vitro, ex vivo). Animal handling and animal care. Methods of anesthetizing animals and methods of euthanasia. Restraining and blood collecting methods. Drug screening methods involved in the evaluation of anti-ulcer, antidepressant, antianginal, antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic, etc. 
  • Clinical pharmacology and Clinical Advances - This includes Drugs and Cosmetics Act, Drug Price Control order, Application for Investigational New Drug (IND), Application for New Drug Discovery (NDD) according to Indian Control Authority & USFDA guidelines. Conducting bioequivalence studies etc. 

MD Physiology Subjects 

  • General and Cellular Physiology - This includes Cell as the living unit of the body The internal environment Homeostasis Control systems Organization of a cell Physical structure of a cell Transport across cell membranes Functional systems in the cells Genetic code, its expression, and regulation of gene expression Cell cycle and its regulation etc. 
  • Renal Physiology and Fluid Balance - This includes Body fluid compartments Water balance; regulation of fluid balance Urine formation Regulation of extracellular sodium & osmolarity Renal mechanisms for the control of blood volume, blood pressure & ionic composition Regulation of acid-base balance Micturition Diuretics Renal failure etc. 
  • Cardio-vascular Physiology - This includes Properties of cardiac muscle, Cardiac cycle, Heart as a pump, Cardiac output Nutrition & metabolism of heart, Specialized tissues of the heart, Generation & conduction of cardiac impulse, Control of excitation & conduction, Electrocardiogram, Arrhythmias etc. 
  • Physiology of Hot environment - This includes Physiology of cold environment High altitude Aviation physiology Space physiology Deep sea diving & hyperbaric conditions etc.
  • Nerve and Muscle Physiology - This includes Resting membrane potential ,Action potential, Classification of nerve fibers, Nerve conduction, Degeneration and regeneration in nerves etc. 

MD Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Subjects 

  • Basic Health Sciences as applied to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation- This subject teaches about the Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Public Health, Nutrition, Therapeutic Exercises, Basic concepts of Disability, ICF, CBR, Biomechanics and Kinesiology, Applied Physics, Electrodiagnostics and therapeutics, Aids and Appliances, Assistive Technology, and Basics of medical and surgical practice etc.
  • Principles and Practice of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Management in Surgical conditions- This subject teaches about rehabilitation management in cases of Musculoskeletal, Spinal Cord Injury, Sports Medicine, Bone and Joint injuries, Amputations, Rheumatological, Geriatric, Gynaecological and Obstetric, Speech and Hearing, Visual disorders, Organ Transplantation etc.
  • Principles and Practice of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Management in Medical conditions- This subject deals with procedures that teach about rehabilitation in conditions like Non-Communicable Diseases, Neurological, Cardio-pulmonary, Cancer, Pain, Mental illnesses, Developmental disorders, Osteoporosis, etc.
  • Recent Advances, Disability Research, Legislation, and Rehabilitation Administration- This subject teaches about the various schemes, programmes, concessions, disability evaluation and certifications, Research Methodology, Public Health Research etc.

MD Psychiatry Subjects 

  • Basic Sciences applied to Psychiatry - This includes Monoamine Neurotransmitters and their implications for Psychiatric Disorders, Excitatory Amino Acids in Psychiatric Disorders, Neuropeptides and their relevance to Psychiatry, Second Messenger Systems and Beyond , Basic and applied Electrophysiology, Magnetic Resonance and Implications for Psychiatry, Consciousness, Sleep and Dreaming, Chronobiology, Transcultural Psychiatry etc. 
  • Clinical Psychiatry - This includes Approaching to Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification, Etiology and Clinical Profile of Dementias, Organic Delusional, Mood and Personality Disorders, Concept and Typology of Schizophrenia, Biological Basis of Schizophrenia, Course, Outcome and Prognosis of Schizophrenia, Brief and Reactive Psychosis, Etiological Theories of Mood Disorders, Subtypes of Depressive Disorders and their Clinical Relevance ,Course and Outcome of Mood Disorders, Paranoid Disorders etc. 
  • Anxiety and Sleep disorders- This includes Anxiety disorders : Nosological status and natural history, Reactions to severe stress, Current concept of dissociative disorders Somatization disorders : Diagnosis and clinical features, Nosological status and clinical features of Neurasthenia, Non organic sleep disorders, Recent advances in eating disorders, Management of premature ejaculation, Psychiatric aspects of homosexuality etc.
  • Psychotherapy - This includes Models of psychotherapy, Scientific evaluation of efficacy of psychotherapy: methodological problems, Brief dynamic psychotherapies, Behavioral therapies etc. 

MD Radio-Diagnosis Subjects 

  • Basic sciences related to Radio- Diagnosis - This includes Fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation, X-Ray production, characteristic properties of X-Rays, units of radiation, radiation measurement, X-ray equipments, X-Ray films, intensifying screens, other X-Ray appliances, dark room equipments and procedures, II TV, cine fluorography, tomography etc. 
  • Respiratory system - This includes pulmonary, pleural, mediastinal, extra-pleural, extra-thoracic, diaphragmatic, infradiaphragmatic, Recognize acute and chronic patterns of bacterial and viral pneumonia, occupational diseases, allergic states etc. 
  • Gastrointestinal and hepato biliary pancreatic system- This includes Diseases and disorders of the mouth, pharynx, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, diseases of omentum, peritoneum and mesentery, acute abdomen, abdominal trauma using conventional and newer imaging methods like CT, MRI, DSA, isotope studies etc. 
  • Genito-Urinary System - This includes Imaging: conventional, ultrasound, CT, MRI, and angiography; various diseases and disorders of the genitourinary system, congenital, inflammatory, traumatic, neoplastic, calculus and miscellaneous conditions. etc. 
  • Musculoskeletal system - This includes Imaging (Conventional, ultrasound, CT, MRI, angiography, Radio-isotope studies) and interpretation of diseases of muscles, soft tissue, bones and joints including congenital, inflammatory, traumatic, neoplastic and miscellaneous conditions etc. 
  • Cardiovascular radiology - This includes Diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system including congenital conditions and the role of imaging by conventional, ultrasound, Echo, color-Doppler, CT, MRI, angiography (including DSA) and radionuclide studies. It also includes interventional procedures e.g; balloon angioplasty, embolization etc.
  • Neuroradiology - This includes imaging (using conventional and newer methods) and interpretation of various diseases and disorders of the head, neck and spine covering congenital lesions, infective lesions, vascular lesions, traumatic conditions and neoplasia etc. 
  • General radiology - This includes radiographs of : chest, abdomen, pelvis, skull, spine, musculo-skeleton and soft tissues. Residents are posted in OPD and indoor radiography rooms for this purpose etc. 

MD Radiotherapy Subjects 

  • Basic Sciences - This includes Anatomy, pathology, Criteria for tumor diagnosis - macroscopic, histological & cytological uses & value of biopsy material, Genetic predisposition, congenital syndromes Chromosomal abnormalities, hereditary tumors Proto Oncogenes, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, viruses & malignancy Multifactorial causation Nutritional aspects in cancer causation and prevention. Environmental causes of cancer etc. 
  • Clinical Radiotherapy- This includes Cancer Epidemiology & Etiology, Assessment & referral systems for radiotherapy, Guidelines for treatment response assessment - Complete Response, Partial Response, No Response, Stable disease.etc. 
  • Clinical Chemotherapy - This includes the Classification and mode of action of cytotoxic drugs. The principles of cell killing by chemotherapeutic agents, drug resistance, phase-specific and cycle-specific action etc. 
  • Palliative Care - This includes Guidelines for palliative care, Symptoms of advanced cancer, Management of terminally ill patients, Different pharmacologic & non-pharmacologic methods, Pain control, WHO guidelines for adults & children, Palliative radiotherapy, Palliative chemotherapy, Home care, Hospice care, Physical, social, spiritual & other aspects etc. 

MD Subjects: FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects of MD Psychiatry?

Ans. MD Psychiatry subjects include Basic Sciences applied to Psychiatry, Clinical Psychiatry, Anxiety and Sleep disorders, Psychotherapy, etc.

Ques. What is the syllabus of MD Radiotherapy?

Ans. The syllabus of MD Radiotherapy includes Basic Sciences, Clinical Radiotherapy, Clinical Chemotherapy, Palliative Care, etc.

Ques. What are the total marks of MD ?

Ans. The MD entrance marks are of 3.5 hours which is a total of 200 marks .

Ques. How many semesters are there in MD?

Ans. There are a total of 6 semesters in MD.

Ques. Is MD useful or not?

Ans. Yes, MD offers a wide range of opportunities in both private as well as public sector.

Ques. Does MD have Math as a subject?

Ans.. NO, MD does not require Math as a subject. 

Ques. Do I need to pass an exam for getting admission in MD ?

Ans. Yes, a candidate must have cleared the entrance examination for pursuing MD from their choice of college. 

Ques. What is the minimum age of MD?

Ans. The candidate must have completed their MBBS from a recognized university and passed the AIIMS PG entrance examination. There is no such age criteria for pursuing MD.

Ques. Is MD Pathology good for girls?

Ans. Yes, MD can be a very good study option for candidates. 

Ques. What is the average fees of pursuing MD in AIIMS?

Ans. The average fees of pursuing MD in AIIMS is around INR 3000 - 5000 per year.

Doctor of Medicine [MD] : 7 answered questions


Ques. How is the life of medicine PG in AIIMS Delhi? Is this the best for MD medicine?

● Top Answer By Shivam Negi on 30 May 23

Ans. The exact word to describe the life of a PG student in AIIMS Delhi is ‘hectic’. The MD Medicine program is quite challenging and tiring. A typical day in the life of a first-semester resident doing Medicine at AIIMS can be described as follows- You will have to wake up as early as 6:30 am and reach for work by 7. Managing to have your breakfast is a great achievement. You will have to reach your war and start sampling assigned by your seniors before 10 AM as no samples are accepted after 10. Next, you will start preparing for the clinical rounds and go through files and reports and be ready to present them to the consultant during rounds. These rounds are very tiring and sometimes extend till the afternoon. However, it's from these rounds that you will be gaining hands-on experience and learning new things every day Once the rounds end, you'll have to do tasks related to what you learned from the rounds. This may involve doing a bone marrow/ lumbar puncture/ pleural tap etc or fetching some reports. In the evening you will be going through the morning reports and discussing and planning the future plan for your patient. During this, you have to write notes in the clinical files. After this, it will be dinner time that marks the end of your work routine.  Additionally, there will be OPDs every third day, and Radio-conferences, clinical case discussion classes, Journal clubs, etc. Once you become a senior, things will be easier and you will have more time to study and involve yourself in academic activities. Coming to your second question, well AIIMS Medicine is considered the best in the whole of India. What makes it the best is its extremely qualified faculty, genius seniors, and excellent infrastructure. The institute mostly deals with diagnostic dilemmas referred from everywhere and this offers a fun and fulfilling experience to students in taking their case to a diagnosis. The real-time experience you will be getting just in the first year is undoubtedly the best one could ask for. Another major highlight of AIIMS is its diagnostics. You can get almost any investigation/ radiological procedure to back up your diagnosis.  Overall, as an MD student at AIIMS, you will surely experience a hectic life but the gratitude of your patients will leave you with a feeling of satisfaction. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: An integrated five years course into DM neurology (NIMHANS) or completing my MD in general medicine and then specializing in DM neurology?

● Top Answer By Bidita Ghose on 30 Sept 23

Ans. In my opinion, it’s best to complete an MD in medicine first rather than pursuing DM Neuro directly after MBBS.  It is so because M.B.B.S. students receive minimal clinical exposure and therefore their interest in a particular field might not be genuine. They might later regret their choice.  An integrated program is a 5-year program that requires a lot of commitment. So, if you go for a field you are not interested in, you will be wasting 5 years of your life. Even if you are sure of your interest in neurology, you may not actually like it when you start working. That being said, it's better that you do MD in medicine, have first-hand exposure to all the specialties, and then choose one for you.  People often choose integrated courses so as to save one year of education. However, they fail to recognize the risks involved.  Ultimately, unless you love neurology passionately and have enough exposure in the same, go for direct DM, else completing MD would be the safest bet. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the number of MD/MS seats at PGIMER Chandigarh?

● Top Answer By Praniti Ranjan, on 23 Nov 21

Ans. The number of MD/MS seats at PGIMER Chandigarh changes every year, every session, according to your category (General, OBC, SC, ST, Sponsored, etc.) and branch or department. This is because for every session admission to the vacant seats is based on the previous pass-outs in that branch or department. It also depends on the demand of a particular work in that department and other factors. Check the JSP Page website - before every session to get the exact number of seats available in that particular session. This session there are a total of 148 seats and 33 of them are for the General category students.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is it worth it to give up MD general medicine for MD emergency medicine at AIIMS Rishikesh? I am interested in both.

● Top Answer By Akrit Kakkar on 30 May 23

Ans. That depends on what you value most in a career. Both MD General Medicine and MD Emergency Medicine are highly respected and challenging specializations, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. General Medicine is a broad field that covers the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of medical conditions. For this, you need to have a strong base in medical science, along with excellent diagnostic and problem-solving skills. MD Emergency Medicine, on the other hand, focuses on the immediate diagnosis and treatment of acute and life-threatening medical conditions, such as trauma, heart attacks, and stroke. For this, you need quick thinking, excellent clinical skills, and the ability to work well under pressure. Personally, I feel that you should have knowledge of both emergency and non-emergency situations because each and every disease has the complications that make it an emergency. However, academically you wouldn't get the recognition of a full-fledged medicine specialist. You can not opt for Superspeciality courses other than critical care.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. What are the fees for Md at KMC Manipal?

● Top Answer By Samarth Deb on 28 Sept 23

Ans. Here are the detailed fees for MD at KMC Manipal MD Anaesthesiology 2188000 MD Anatomy 495000 MD Biochemistry 495000 MD Community Medicine 1260000 MD Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy 2870000 MD Emergency Medicine 2650000 MD Forensic Medicine 495000 MD General Medicine 2539000 MD Hospital Administration 1710000 Blood Transfusion 1960000 MD Immunohematology & MD Microbiology 1410000 MD Paediatrics 2870000 MD Palliative Medicine 1410000 MD Pathology 1960000 MD Pharmacology 1210000 MD Physiology 495000 MD Psychiatry 2188000 MD Radiodiagnosis 3398000 MD Radiotherapy 1990000 MD Respiratory Medicine 1990000 Hope this helps you!Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better for an MD in general medicine, KMC Manipal or Mangalore? I got allotted in KMC Mangalore. Should I need to upgrade?

● Top Answer By Pratik Parikh on 28 Sept 23

Ans. My friend was an MBBS Student at KMC Mangalore, so here are some highlights of the institute The clinics are well-equipped and the patient lod is also decent. Enjoys a good reputation among the medical colleges in India. It’s bad one private hospital, KMC Attavar, and one Super specialty hospital, KMC Jyothi Circle The workload is a lot because the hospital is completely managed by residents and interns. You will be responsible for everything from OPD to file maintenance to rounds to sample collection.  Students are required to be proficient in each case early in the morning as they will be enquired about every patient that they are allotted You have to update treatment and paperwork, attend class, and be ready to present short bedside cases. PG students have to attend a theory class in the morning and in the afternoon twice a week, there is short group teaching, with the presentation.  Students need to learn basic Kannada without which you won’t be able to interact with patients.  The hostel facilities are great and Mangalore is a city of students so it won’t be difficult to find good food at low prices, beaches, bars, clubs, malls, etc Mangalore is a port city so it's better connected than Manipal.  There is a dual rating system wherein the professors rate the students, and students rate the professors. This helps the college to keep a check on the quality of education and improve energy year. It will definitely be a great choice if you choose KMC Mangalore.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is the MD Medicine course from KMC Manipal? Is it worth leaving a government seat in a tier 2 city?

● Top Answer By Sonal Mishra, on 28 Sept 23

Ans. Yes, it’s definitely worth leaving a government seat in a tier 2 city to pursue an MD Medicine course from KMC Manipal. Here are some benefits you will avail yourself if you choose this You won’t have to serve any kind of bond It’s an international campus which has a diverse crowd from all over the world so the campus facilities are excellent It has around 3000 beds and excellent facilities like infertility care, Chest & allergy care, Medical genetics & gastroenterology. Students are hence exposed to excellent techniques. It enjoys good connectivity via Mangalore airport around 1.5 -- 2 hours from Mangalore. KMC Manipal has an excellent academic culture and sees results in every competitive examination .  Hope this helps you!Read more
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