they are many activities are conducted like inter-class and inter-college. there will be 4 days of fest conducted in our college. clubs also conduct activities like cs clubs conduct programming challenges .in NCC will rally once a month and camp. classrooms are spacious. sports competition inter-class activities.
We have workshops conducted related to our subjects the workshops I attended in my college was on Personality development, Digital marketing, Banking classes, how to crack aptitude, Breif about KPSC and UPSC exams, a talk on self defense and human rights. We also have Charted accountant course, Company secretary course, tally courses offered in our college which is like a add on course and for all these we have to pay extra money depending on the course we opt for.
No hostel..i am not a pg students. Yeah but sjr intitute hav very efficient hostels
The food quality and taste is poor though. The mess menu changes very little and even those changes are minute. Even if the menu changes a bit the taste almost never changes. Usually at home dishes are tweaked quite a bit and the menu is never a fixed weekly pattern. Also, comparing with "mommy's food" is stupid. The reason you like that food so much is because you have grown up with it. And there is no way to substitute that. The food produced in the mess has to be done while incurring as low a cost as possible. This directly leads to compromises on the quality of the ingredients used. Students are quick to whine about food but are equally hostile to attempts at any real change. If the cooks try to make anything different for the first time it is possible that it won't taste very well but the key is to be supportive and constructive.
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