Absolutely satisfied because placement wing of no.1 and also teachers are well qualified and value of money is great. Must join BVM. It's a wonderful college campus having wide area for parking,grounds, swimming pool,batminton court, toilet, 5 floor college building, massive theatre, studio, and so more
Fees taken by management of college is less compared to other self colleges. No stipend offered by this college. Scholarships are given to students who became class topper. He will awarded 1000 on becoming class topper in University exams.
Fee is too much for average students,70% studying on there is average students.
Yes the college offers many scholarships. Like scholarships for sc and st people, cast related scholarships etc
They provide about ?3500 for those students who had won high marks in all each department. And also they provide a nice amount for students got rank in the university examination. They also make a good income for the students who are financially bad.
They provide about ?3500 for those students who had won high marks in all each department. And also they provide a nice amount for students got rank in the university examination. They also make a good income for the students who are financially bad.
Loan can be sanctioned from the bank by presenting them necessary documents like fee structure paper, admission details form etc. Loan can be used to cover 3 years of academical spendings and the interest rate is also less.
The management support many students who can't afford the price of the fees of the college. They prepare a fund program to these avg. Students to study and prepare themselves for the college fees. Moreover there are many clubs which supports the students paying there fees.
Yeah. The college provides good scholarship For students by their academics.
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