What Students Say?
- Helping People , Coding and Reading Books
- Waste of time in unworthy things and cheating people , I hate this.
Course Curriculum Overview
The of each department are well desinged so that it can be better fit as aspect for their nowdays feild , but there is some old course which have very less relevence nowdays and need to improvement by replacing and change the course template.
Internships Opportunities
A lot of companies 250 and couting comes for interships in IITK in this year and 430 and couting selected for intership in this year. Stipent of companies vary on the role and comapnies basies, highest stipent is 36Lkh/month provide a compnies for Amsterdam Intership and most companies provide 1.25Lkh/month stipend for intership.
Placement Experience
If we left the expection case when there is recession or wor in world that effect Indian Business also , IITK gives record 100% placesments. Here a numbers of companies comes like google , microsoft , infosis, tata , amazon , flipcard, accenture, tower , Goldman sachs , reliance etc. My plan to take placement after completing my degree.
Fees and Financial Aid
Tuition fee of IITK depend on economical condition of the students and also categories.The students whoes family annual income 0 - 1Lkh per gives 100% fee waiver, 1Lkh - 5Lkh got 33% of fee waiver and > 5Lkh have no fee waiver. The semester managenemt websites , water chareges ,mess stablish charges etc. are within18-20k per semester and food depend on your consupmtion.
Campus Life
There are a lots of fun in the college and ultimate freedom as compare to other colleges in India. Three tremedous festsival Antragni , Udgosh and TechKriti orgnised by IITK ,which famous all over the world in which participante comes from all over the Indian and also from foriegner.
Hostel Facilities
IITK provided hostals to all its student expect he/she don't have any punishment like AP worning or willing to stay outside the college. Meal menu depend on students of particular hostels they offer add or remove any food from menu and according to this BDMR chagnes. RO waters , playgrounds , washing machine, reading room etc providing in each hostels.
Admissoion in IITK goes through JEE Advances ranks basis. Your Jee Adavance rank decide your Branch . Reservation can play a benefeciary role in your admission also because there is some reservation in college based on Category also.
The faculty-to-student ratio in IITK is 15:1. THis ratio is considered ideal for effective teaching adn learning. Professores at IITK are highly experinced adn qualifed , excelling both as educators and professionals. The up-to-date course currculum emphasizes practical knowledge alongsist thertical understanding. I interact occasionally to professers as in class time with any doubt , for course related query , about project.