Dr. Sushil Kumar has been working as the Principal of Lakshay College of Hotel Management, Panipat, Haryana for the last 14 years. He has done B.Sc, Masters in Hotel Management and Masters of Tourism Management and Diploma in Hotel Management as part of his education. Along with this, he holds a rich professional and academic experience of 23 years and before joining Lakshay College, he has worked with Lords institute of Hotel Management for 2 years, Regency Nashik Hotel for 3 years and LandMark Hotel for 4 years experience as Restaurant Manager. 

Lakshay College Of Hotel Management

Being the Principal of the Lakshay College, what are your key responsibilities towards students?

As the Principal, my primary responsibilities include supervising and managing the college's daily operations and providing required guidance to students. Additionally, I have a key role to play in the curriculum design and update process and in maintaining strong and long-lasting relations with national and international level institutions and industries. 

Fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation and ensuring overall growth of students by providing them suitable learning and networking opportunities also comes under the scope of my work. 

How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty of your institute?

To ensure cordial and healthy relationships with my dear students and faculty members, I encourage regular, respectful, transparent and trustworthy interactions among them and also work in close coordination with hostel wardens and Proctorial Committee to assure a disciplined and ragging free college environment. 

Apart from this, various kinds of extracurricular activities are conducted from time to time for both students and teachers to help them refresh and rejuvenate and release stress. And sometimes I chair the events which we conduct for students in order to ensure their smooth execution and faculty members are encouraged too to guide and counsel students on a regular basis for their academic and non-academic issues. 

How do you bring in a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

In order to make subjects more industry oriented, we have integrated the contemporary educational trends and latest technologies into our college curriculum. And eminent professionals and personalities such as industry experts, General Managers, HR Managers and Chefs regularly visit our campus to share their valuable insights with students through talks and workshops. 

Also, their involvement enriches our teaching practices and keeps students updated with the latest happenings, trends and requirements of both the industrial and educational world. Lastly, students are provided abundant opportunities to work on real-time projects in association with hospitality organizations. 

What are your views on the placements and higher education of students from your college?

I firmly believe that good placement opportunities and records play a very crucial role in enhancing the reputation of a college. Hence we have established a dedicated Training and Placement Team to train students and make them employable by conducting mock interviews and mentorship sessions. Also, workshops and alumni interaction sessions are organized very frequently to guide students about available higher education opportunities and make them ready for foreign universities. 

Check Lakshay College Of Hotel Management Courses & Fees

Which extracurricular activities are organized by your college to enhance the skills of students?

For the purpose of enhancing the skills of our students, teaching them the importance of teamwork and training them as per industry standards, our college regularly organizes cultural events and sports tournaments at various levels. 

Additionally, they are involved in a diverse range of social activities, initiatives and awareness camps for disease like Covid to inculcate in them a sense of responsibility and sensitivity. Lastly, industry internships and hands-on training programs are arranged for them as and when required. 

What challenges do you usually face while uplifting the education quality of your college?

As an educational institution, we face different kinds of challenges at different levels and the biggest difficulty for us is of keeping the students motivated towards experiential learning and sometimes it become a hurdle for us while dealing with students of rural backgrounds, because they are not well-versed with various things, hence a gap is created. 

But we all work together dedicatedly to enhance students' linguistic abilities and also upgrade the curriculum of our college in accordance with the rapidly changing industrial world and technologies. 

What approaches do you use apart from the curriculum to teach students in accordance with the industry standards? 

Our college is offering the finest quality and value based education to students and our main focus remains on enhancing their social interaction by promoting a holistic development approach. Along with this, we regularly organize team-building activities to give cross-cultural learning experience to students and help them learn from each other. 

Last but not the least, to provide required practical exposure to young minds, guest lectures and workshops in collaboration with industry experts are conducted by us from time to time. 

What do you see as the greatest strengths of your college?

The greatest strengths of our college are our highly qualified and experienced faculty members who dedicatedly work for the professional development and betterment of students by fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing. 

In addition to this, we have maintained strong relations with the leading industries and organizations to provide suitable platforms and opportunities to students to showcase their unique talents and this also adds to our strength. 

Any valuable advice which you would like to give to the students for a prosperous career ahead?

I would advise my dear students and youths of our society to set clear short and long-term life goals for them, be positive and cheerful, precisely plan their journey and strive for excellence to fulfill their life aspirations. 

Also, believe in yourself and learn to effectively manage your time because confidence, consistency and sincere efforts are key elements for a thriving career. Lastly, keep learning new things and enhancing your skills and stay adaptable to new changes.