PTE Speaking: Practice Papers, Question Types, and Tips
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PTE Speaking: Practice Papers, Question Types, and Tips

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Bhaskar Das

Content Writer - Study Abroad | Updated On - Jun 29, 2024

PTE speaking is the first section of the academic test. Speaking in PTE is a combined section of speaking and writing questions. This section evaluates candidates’ speaking and writing skills, with seven different question types to be answered in 54–67 minutes. To practice PTE speaking, candidates can enrol into coaching to seek professional guidance or appear for mock tests. The types of questions in PTE Speaking includes Read aloud, repeat sentence, describe image, summarize and essay. You will have 25 seconds to read the prompt and prepare your response, and then 30 seconds to record your response. You are only able to record your answer once.

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You can score a maximum of 3 points for the content spoken, 5 points for oral fluency and 5 points for pronunciation. PTE speaking is not face to face, instead, it is entirely computer-based, requiring candidates to speak into a microphone. The voice will be recorded and will be judged by the examiners in PTE Exam pattern. The personal introduction does not contribute to your score and is for familiarization purposes only. 

To score well in this section, you must clearly comprehend the PTE Speaking scoring criteria. You will be evaluated on a variety of factors, including their pronunciation, fluency, and grammatical accuracy. The exam is scored on a PTE band score of 10-90, with higher PTE scores indicating better English-speaking skills.

PTE Speaking Practice

In PTE academic speaking include reading aloud, repeating sentences, describing images, re-telling lectures, and answering short questions. To practice PTE at home for the speaking section, candidates can take mock tests and get their hands on the e-books and other study materials available online.

To improve speaking in PTE, candidates should go through the test format and take multiple practice tests. Pitch matters in PTE Speaking, as it contributes to overall pronunciation and intonation, influencing the clarity and naturalness of your spoken English.

PTE Speaking Test Question Types

The type of questions that are asked in PTE speaking are Repeat Sentence, Re-tell Lecture, Repeat Sentence, Read Aloud, Describe Image, and Answer Short Question. The questions pattern is different for PTE General exam pattern. The time duration to complete the PTE speaking is 30-35 minutes. The remaining 2 types of questions-Summarize written text and Essay examines candidate's reading and writing skills. The 3 second rule in PTE for speaking refers that is a candidate remain silent for more than 3 seconds, the recording will stop automatically, and they'll not be able to re-record.

PTE Speaking Skill Assessed Duration
Read aloud Read the provided text aloud
(Reading and Speaking)
Varies; depends on the length of text
Repeat sentence After listening to a recording, repeat the sentence
(Listening and Speaking)
15 seconds
Describe image Describe the image provided in detail
40 seconds
Re-tell lecture After listening to a lecture, re-tell it in your own words
(Listening and Speaking)
40 seconds
Answer short question After listening to a question, answer with a single word
(Listening and Speaking)
10 seconds
Summarize written text After reading a text, write a one-sentence summary
(Reading and Writing)
10 minutes
Essay Write a 200–300-word essay on the given topic
20 minutes

PTE Speaking Personal Introduction

In the PTE introduction, briefly state your name and speak about a topic you are comfortable with, such as your hobbies or interests, to demonstrate clear pronunciation and fluency. To introduce oneself in PTE speaking, candidates must talk about himself, his academic background and area of interests. PTE introduction is a 25-second-long task. This section does not include any score, but is important because it is sent to the institution along with the PTE Score report.

PTE Speaking Read Aloud

PTE Speaking read aloud is the first item in the PTE Speaking module for which the student needs to read aloud in PTE the 60 words written text. The student for reading aloud in PTE would have a total of 30-40 seconds to read the text and prepare for PTE Speaking read aloud. A recording box would be displayed which would open a microphone after the countdown. It is important that you speak only after you hear a short tone, before which your response will not be recorded. This will help you to improve PTE average score. The Read Aloud section is often considered the most scoring part in PTE Speaking, as it assesses both oral fluency and pronunciation.

Practice Read Aloud in PTE

To score 90 in PTE Speaking, focus on clear pronunciation, fluency, and accurate content delivery, while practicing a variety of question types to enhance your overall speaking skills. For PTE Academic practice of read aloud, candidates must follow the below tips:

  • Candidates should speak clearly, as there is no need to rush.
  • Finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end.
  • Speak till the word “Recording” changes to “Completed”.
  • Aspirants are only able to record their response once.


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Repeat Sentence PTE

In Repeat Sentence PTE speaking test, audio is played which students need to hear clearly and when the audio finishes a microphone appears displaying “recording”. Students need to ensure that they start speaking immediately when the sign of recording is displayed, as no short tone would be played, unlike the PTE speaking read aloud item. There are 10-12 repeat sentences in PTE which will improve your PTE maximum score.

How can I Improve My Repeat Sentence in PTE?

To get marks in speaking, consistently PTE practice speaking tasks, pay attention to pronunciation and intonation, and ensure that your responses are relevant and well-structured. There are multiple PTE preparation apps that can help you prepare for PTE.

To improve repeat sentence in PTE speaking, candidates should follow the below strategies:

  • Repeat sentence PTE can score based on the word sequences
  • Understand the number of phrases and the reproduction of sentences
  • Make mental notes of stress and intonation patterns
  • No credit for irrelevant or no response
  • Partial credit is applicable for repeat sentence


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Describe Image PTE

Describe image PTE is the item in the speaking module in PTE that includes a PTE speaking question based on an image displayed for the student. With the microphone opening after the countdown, the student would have 25 seconds to study the image and prepare its response. PTE Score for this describe image PTE is based on regional and national varieties of pronouncing English and would be marked based on content, oral fluency and pronunciation. You can join PTE online coaching classes to improve the scores.

How do You Describe an Image in PTE Test?

To improve speaking in PTE, candidates should go through the test format and take multiple practice tests. To describe an image in PTE test, candidates should follow the below tips:

  • Describe image PTE requires focus on the image
  • Use the erasable note board booklet to point down key ideas and phrases
  • Organize the main aspects of the image for answering the PTE speaking
  • Undertake speaking practice test for PTE preparation.


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Retell Lecture PTE

For retell lecture PTE, the speaking question is based on playing audio with an image in relevance to the audio. When the audio ends for retell lecture PTE, you would have 10 seconds to prepare your answer for the PTE speaking test.

How to Retell a Lecture in PTE?

To retell a lecture in PTE, candidates must learn time management. Considering that the PTE speaking question would include an image with the audio, students need to look at the image clearly and think about the vocabulary that they would hear, finding relevance with the image. This would allow you to predict the topic of the retell lecture PTE for the PTE speaking test.

Check the points to be noted section before answering to retell a lecture in PTE section:

  • Students need 40 seconds time to answer retell lecture
  • Make good use of the time and avoid any mistakes
  • PTE score for this is also based on content, oral fluency and pronunciation.


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Answer Short Question PTE

The short answer questions in PTE Speaking are audio and image which the student needs to listen to properly for answer. When the audio stops and the microphone appears, the student needs to answer with a single word or a few words. The prompt length is 3–9 seconds. Answer Short question PTE is for short answers within 10 seconds and uses a few words and sentences to respond. There is no negative marking for answer short question in PTE.

It uses a partial credit scoring method, referring to earn positive scores for the right answer. There is no deduction for skipping or choosing an incorrect answer.

How to Answer Short Question PTE Questions?

The score for PTE speaking answer short questions is based on the ability of the student to provide an accurate response in brief. Like speaking, PTE listening measures the integrated listening and speaking skills of the candidates.

  • Scores can be better with better use of vocabulary
  • PTE mock test as a guide for preparing
  • Add articles (a, an, the) before some words.
  • If answer not known, just repeat the words in the question.


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PTE Speaking Score Distribution

PTE speaking scored is calculated on the basis of grammar and vocabulary. Here is the formula to calculate PTE band score for speaking:

Grammar + Oral Fluency + Pronunciation + Spelling + Vocabulary + Written Discourse ÷ 6 = Average of Enabling Skills. The perception of PTE is easier than IELTS varies among individuals, as it depends on personal preferences and strengths in different language skills.

Low score for PTE speaking is due to its algorithm. It assumes that the candidate is not speaking fluently if they are speaking too slowly. PTE is marked by computer, and the speaking section, like other sections, is marked by automated scoring algorithms. The PTE Coaching in India will help to improve your scores.

Sections Marking Criteria
Read Aloud

Content: the length of the item would be judged for the marking of content
Pronunciation: the marking varies as :
5: Native like
4: Advanced
3: Good:
2: Intermediate
1: Intrusive
0: Non-English
Oral fluency is marked as :
5: Native like
4: Advanced
3: Good:
2: Intermediate
1: Limited
0: Disfluent

Repeat Sentence Content:Errors= replacements, omissions and insertions, hesitations, filled or unfilled pauses
3: All words in response from prompt are in correct sequence
2: 50% response are in correct sequence
1: less than 50% response in correct sequence
0: almost nothing from the prompt have been used
5: Native like
4: Advanced
3: Good:
2: Intermediate
1: Intrusive
0: Non-English
Oral fluency is marked as :
5: Native like
4: Advanced
3: Good:
2: Intermediate
1: Limited
0: Disfluent
Describe Image

5: Describes all elements in the image and relationships along with conclusions and impact
4: describes all key elements in the image and their relations
3: deals with most of the elements in the image and refers to their conclusions
2: identifies only one key element from the image
1: describes some of the elements from the image and does not make conclusions
0: mentions disjointed elements from the image
5: Native like
4: Advanced
3: Good:
2: Intermediate
1: Intrusive
0: Non-English
Oral fluency is marked as :
5: Native like
4: Advanced
3: Good:
2: Intermediate
1: Limited
0: Disfluent

Retell Lecture

5: retells all the points from the presentation
4: describes the key points from the presentation and conclusions
3: deals with most of the points relevant
2: deals with only one point of the presentation
1: describes basic elements from the presentation
0: Mentions disjointed points
5: Native like
4: Advanced
3: Good:
2: Intermediate
1: Intrusive
0: Non-English
Oral fluency is marked as :
5: Native like
4: Advanced
3: Good:
2: Intermediate
1: Limited
0: Disfluent

Answer short Question Vocabulary
1: response includes appropriate word choice
0: inappropriate choice of words in response

PTE Speaking Preparation Books

There are many books for PTE preparation for speaking section. Book like the Official Guide to PTE Academic offers a comprehensive overview and run-through each section. Candidates will get information about score breakdowns, useful glossaries, and skill-building-specific tasks.

  • PTE Academic Offline Practice Test - Speaking - Check PDF
  • The Official Guide to PTE Academic for Test TakersCheck PDF
  • PTE Academic Practice Test Plus – Volume 1 Check PDF

PTE Speaking section includes 5 sections and each of them have different tasks. For each section, the number of items, scores, timings as well as the criteria of marking is different. Students appearing for the PTE Speaking test need to be aware of the PTE Speaking Module and consider PTE Speaking test practice as part of their preparation. The PTE Speaking module is 54-67 minutes long.


Ques. How can I practice PTE speaking?

Ans. To practice PTE speaking, candidates must go through the test format and take multiple practice tests. Test-takers can score a maximum of 3 points for the content spoken, 5 points for oral fluency and 5 points for pronunciation.

Ques. What is speaking in PTE?

Ans. Speaking in PTE is a combined section of speaking and writing questions. This section evaluates candidates’ speaking and writing skills, with seven different question types to be answered in 54–67 minutes.

Ques. How can I improve my speaking in PTE?

Ans. To improve speaking in PTE, candidates should go through the test format and take multiple practice tests. Speaking in PTE is a combined section of speaking and writing questions. This section evaluates candidates’ speaking and writing skills, with seven different question types.

Ques. Is PTE speaking hard?

Ans. Yes, PTE speaking can be hard for non-native English speakers. This section of the test requires good English proficiency. Candidates with fluent vocabulary feel confident conversing in English in everyday situations or in their study.

Ques. Is PTE speaking face to face?

Ans. PTE speaking is not face to face, rather it is entirely computer based and candidates will have to speak into a microphone. PTE speaking include reading aloud, repeating sentences, describing images, re-telling lectures, and answering short questions.

Ques. Why I score low for PTE speaking?

Ans. Low score for PTE speaking is due to its algorithm. It assumes that the candidate is not speaking fluently if they are speaking too slowly. Again, if you speak too fast, the software cannot understand the words, and candidates will score lower on fluency. Hence, it is important to speak to maintain the range.

Ques. How is PTE speaking scored?

Ans. PTE speaking scored on the basis of grammar and vocabulary. Test-takers can score a maximum of 3 points for the content spoken, 5 points for oral fluency and 5 points for pronunciation.

Ques. Is 90 in PTE speaking good?

Ans. Yes, 90 in PTE speaking is good. It is considered the highest level of English in the PTE scoring system. At PTE 90 level, candidates will feel comfortable communicating at any level on various topics about academics, work, or daily life.

Ques. How to score 80 in PTE speaking?

Ans. To score 80 in PTE speaking, candidates must go through the test format and take multiple practice tests. Test-takers can score a maximum of 3 points for the content spoken, 5 points for oral fluency and 5 points for pronunciation.

Ques. What type of questions are asked in PTE speaking?

Ans. The type of questions asked in PTE speaking include reading aloud, repeating sentences, describing images, re-telling lectures, and answering short questions.​

Ques: How can I improve my pronunciation?

Ans: To improve your pronounciation, you must practice shadowing native speakers and recording yourself to identify areas for improvement. You can speak infront of the mirror and judge the accuracy. Resources like pronunciation dictionaries and online courses can be helpful.

Ques: What kind of vocabulary should I use?

Ans: You should use a mix of familiar and slightly more advanced vocabulary to demonstrate range. You must avoid using overly complex words that hinder your fluency. All the words you use and the sentences must be understood by the examiner.

Ques: Is it important to speak fast?

Ans: No, it is not important to speak fast in PTE Speaking. You must focus on clarity and pronunciation rather than speed. You can speak at a natural pace that allows you to be articulate.

Ques: How long do I have to speak for each task?

Ans: The time for speaking varies between tasks, typically ranging from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. You will have 25 seconds to read the prompt and prepare your response, and then 30 seconds to record your response. You are only able to record your answer once.

Ques: Will I be penalized for silence or rephrasing my sentence during the test?

Ans: Yes, you might be penalized for silence or rephrasing. Short pauses are natural, but you must avoid excessive silence. Rephrasing is acceptable as long as it clarifies your communication and doesn't significantly extend the speaking time.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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