I was fond of ample learning prospects, which further made me understand the aspects of mass communication and how the course deals with the significant areas of learning, which further comprises radio, television, editing software, advertising, and other subjects. I found Chitkara to be the ideal college for pursuing my further studies as the subjects and curriculum was distinctive yet the best. It was simplified and aligned with the current market requisites. The faculty professional here are well-versed in the domain and guide you in the best possible manner.
After the 5th sem in graduation, students are eligible for campus placements. Companies visited in csmc were news18 group, zee tv, and new laundry made approx 20 internships and a few jobs within the class. In Mass Communication Highest package goes along with the skill rate of the students. Approx 99% of students get placed. My plan after getting the UG degree is to proceed with a master's.
I choose this course because it's my passion. There was a very supportive and caring faculty and bonding with students and faculty like a friend in fact students can share everything with us. The faculty is well educated and teaching skill is very concise and normal and end term exam will be taken timely and the result also
I think, its the discipline which you gain when you come to Chitkara. The timings are 9-5, you wear uniforms, you enjoy but everything is in limits and academic and your grade is given a lot of importance.
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