Good faculty, 60 percent of the faculty masters in their subjects and committee of the college very encouraging manner to faculty, and various curriculum activities teached by faculty, like Ncc, sports.
Ya. they all are well trained faculty in each department. They all are done their Post graduation some faculty are done by their P.hd's and Mostly they are gone their P.G's. All over college we find 200 / 250 faculty.
Good faculty, 60 percent of the faculty masters in their subjects and committee of the college very encouraging manner to faculty, and various curriculum activities teached by faculty, like Ncc, sports.
At the most basic level, assessment means anything you use to evaluate student learning, so start by taking stock of the types of assessment tools you use in your classes: quizzes, exams, essays, portfolios, group projects, oral presentations, etc. Consider why you think these are effective ways of demonstrating and evaluating student learning. Bear in mind that assessment is not just about giving students grades, but helping to further the learning process. In discussing the types of assessment tools you use, you should be able to explain how these allow you to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses and offer students feedback and suggestions for improvement.
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