Fees :69,400 Exam fee per semester :2000 For 4 years it will be approximately 270000 Hostel fee per year :45000 Caution deposit :5000 After 4 years caution deposit will be given to you. There will be scolarships.
When I joined the college the fee structure was 69000/ per year. Later, i think it has been increased. College would provide yearly merit scholarships and also has option of fee reimbursement from government.
The year fees i paid 80000/- and i got seat through apeamcet a part from that 50% of the fee has been paid by the government and the remaining amount of the fees paid by us and for the accommodation 70000/- I was paid per year and finally for the course completion certificates college charged 3000/- there is no any fees change for my batchmates and me they are also paying same college fees and same hostel fees as me during that I got 10000/- of scholarship from the government
We're having 20000 as college fees per year previously we're having scholarship that is jagananna Vidya deevena per every year. We need to pay our college fees at semester end examinations. But I don't get
I have paid 20000 per year... And i paid 10000 rupees as admission fee.. Lab fee per semester is 200. For management seats the fee is 35000. Last year we have jagananna vidya deevena as a scholarship
The college fee for the CSE student is 69400 is full reambusment from the government .this applicable for only the students who are eligible for the full fee reambusment , remaining students have to pay the fee .and they are no employment in college for the students .the best part is we can get some many scholarships opportunities.
Tution fee is fixed by government only, student has to pay when government releases fee reiembersment to their accounts, For each semester examination fee of around 2000 has to be paid thats it, scholarships are available for those who are economically backward and intelligent student.
It you were passed emacet and seated in my college through government counselling the fee would be 69400 and for the management it would be around 2.08.000 for college and fee for hostel is same for everyone it is 50000.
The financial support of an student to make the process in study as an student for the cause of education. The main theme of study is to scholar an best output as a campus employment within the college premises.
The fee structure is so simple and is divided into just tution fees and bus fees. The bus fees varies based on the city you live in and very affordable. Scholarships will be available for the top 3 students of every branch which helps them in their college life.
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