The faculty were not very efficient. I prepared all the subject by myself. As far as the reserch driven is concerned they pay a very little attention to practicals so my passion in the coding that drived me through the process of self teching. I still hope if the support from the faculty was given I wold be far better in the work. They just tell us to memorize it all and just prepare for the exams.
Our college is genuinely new with regards to B-tech and there is incredible breadth for development and it has been improving. In general, the administration is exceptionally steady to understudies and the personnel is additionally strong. On the off chance that you are somebody who doesn't require spoonfeeding and are a great idea to go yourself or will get ready for higher examinations this may end up being a decent spot for you.
On my College faculty are very smart. They are provid so knowledge which are out of box thinking. We college faculty are most experienced in our field. He has a knowlegde of every field. That are required.
In college I saw some subjects are common for a singular faculty but in my college for a single subject we take a single teacher. In any case if faculty are not come than a other faculty of same stream is coming. Faculty of my college is best. Faculty are
Faculty was good. Some faculties are graduated from IIT and one of my faculty got international award and each faculty had helping nature they always helped to short out problems.
There are 14 faculty in computer science department but there are only 4-5 faculty are good and rest of average or below average and some of faculty are very good in first, third and fifth semester who help and tech very well.but they switch to another co
My college faculties are very intelligent. All the faculties are experience and well qualified.Manner of study is very good. All the faculties are highly educated.
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