Dr. Ashish K Gupta is a practicing senior surgeon in Delhi since 1989. He is an expert in Organizational Development & Change Management. He is a senior consultant surgeon with Metro Hospitals, Delhi also visiting many other hospitals. Currently a Faculty & Program Director (Academics & Research) with AHA, he has successfully organized many conferences & seminars including the National Conference on Quality Management- 2009 in Delhi & also conceiving & organizing the first edition of SASH-2012 in Delhi. He has been heading the AHA Quality consultancy and training division. In this role he has acquired tremendous practical knowledge & experience in the implementation & assessment of quality in HCOs. He has been actively involved in conceiving and developing the NQAS certificate program. He has strengthened the brand AHA by tirelessly interacting with students & trainees of various AHA Programmes & Courses. Students like his teaching style which is grounded in practical application.

AHA, Noida

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

When it comes to leadership, my philosophy centers around the concept of participative leadership. I firmly believe in giving my followers, team members, and people the opportunity to actively engage in the decision-making process. For me, leadership is not about micromanagement or top-down directives; it’s about fostering an environment where individuals are encouraged to think critically, contribute their ideas, and take ownership of their responsibilities. In my leadership style, I emphasize collaboration and teamwork. I value diverse perspectives and ideas, understanding that innovation often arises from the collective intelligence of a group. By providing my team with the freedom to express themselves, design solutions, and make informed choices, I empower them to become more motivated, responsible, and creative in their roles. I prioritize communication and open dialogue within the organization. Transparency is essential to build trust and maintain a positive work environment. I encourage regular feedback and actively listen to the concerns and suggestions of my team members, ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected. Moreover, I believe in nurturing the potential of each individual by recognizing their strengths and providing them with opportunities for growth and development. As a participative leader, I am committed to supporting my team members in their professional journey and encouraging them to achieve their personal and organizational goals. Ultimately, my leadership style is characterized by inclusivity, empowerment, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By promoting participation and freedom within the organization, I aim to create a harmonious and productive work environment, where everyone can thrive and contribute to the collective success.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

Over the next 10 years, I firmly believe that the University’s top priority should be to stay ahead of the evolving trends in the healthcare industry and adapt its programs accordingly. As the AHA is dedicated to training future managers in hospital management, we must continuously strive to align our curriculum with the changing needs of the healthcare sector. One crucial aspect that demands our attention is quality management and patient safety. In the past 18 years, we have placed a significant focus on quality management, but as the healthcare landscape evolves, patient safety has become an increasingly critical component. Emphasizing patient safety not only benefits the patients but also enhances the overall reputation and credibility of the hospitals we serve. Furthermore, keeping pace with advancements in technology and healthcare systems is of utmost importance. The healthcare industry is witnessing rapid technological advancements that significantly impact how hospitals function and deliver care. Therefore, it is essential to regularly assess and modify our program’s content and syllabus to incorporate these new developments, ensuring our graduates are well-equipped to handle the challenges of modern healthcare management. Additionally, promoting interdisciplinary education and collaboration can be instrumental in fostering a holistic approach to healthcare management. Integrating insights from various disciplines, such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and technology, can help our students understand the interconnectedness of healthcare services and make informed decisions that benefit both patients and the organization. To achieve these goals, we must invest in faculty development, ensuring that our educators stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices. Moreover, forging strong partnerships with hospitals and healthcare organizations can provide valuable insights and real-world experiences to our students, bridging the gap between theory and practice. Overall, our top priority over the next decade should be to adapt proactively, embrace innovation, and continually enhance the quality of education we provide at AHA. By doing so, we can empower our students to become successful and responsible leaders in the ever-evolving field of hospital management, contributing significantly to the advancement of the healthcare industry as a whole.

Are there any placement opportunities for the students?

Absolutely! At AHA, Noida, we take immense pride in providing excellent placement opportunities for our students, especially those pursuing an MBA in Hospital Management. As a well-established institution in the healthcare sector, we have a vast network of connections with both public and private healthcare organizations. Our strong industry ties and reputation enable us to offer a wide range of placement opportunities for our students. Over the years, many of our students have secured placements in prestigious hospitals and healthcare institutions across the country. These placements often encompass senior-level positions in hospital management, reflecting the high level of trust and recognition our graduates receive from the industry. Our dedicated placement cell works tirelessly to identify and bring forth job opportunities that align with the students’ interests and skills. Additionally, we provide career guidance and support, including interview preparation and resume building, to ensure our students are well-prepared to enter the job market. Our success in placing students in senior positions is a testament to the quality of education and training we provide at AHA. We continually strive to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience required to excel in the dynamic and challenging healthcare industry. With a track record of successful placements and a commitment to nurturing the future leaders of healthcare management, AHA, Noida, stands as a reputable institution for those seeking rewarding career opportunities in the healthcare sector.

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How is your relationship with the students of your college?

My relationship with the students of our college has always been positive and constructive. I believe in fostering an open and friendly environment, where students feel comfortable interacting with me. I actively engage with the students, both inside and outside the classroom, as I understand the importance of establishing a strong teacher-student bond. I encourage students to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas freely. By listening to their perspectives, I gain valuable insights into their needs and aspirations, which helps me tailor the educational experience to better meet their requirements. Furthermore, I am committed to providing ample support to the students. Whether it’s academic guidance, career advice, or personal development, I am always there to assist them. My goal is to empower each student to reach their full potential and excel in their chosen field. I firmly believe that learning is a two-way process, and I value the opportunity to learn from my students as well. Their diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives enrich my understanding of the subject matter and help me continuously improve as an Educator. Overall, maintaining a positive and collaborative relationship with the students is of utmost importance to me. By nurturing a supportive and respectful environment, I aim to create a conducive learning atmosphere where students thrive academically, professionally, and personally.