Location is most likely a factor for every potential student. If you need a school close to home, use the metric of miles or traveling distance to find the best fit for you. In addition, you?ll have to decide whether you want the bustle of a big city, or if rural, small town living will be a better fit for you. If you abhor long winters, you?ll want to look for schools on the west coast or in the sunny southern states.
Course Curriculum Overview
So wonderful and distinctive. It was a new experience for me and it went pretty well because it fit my time. I would recommend taking advantage of this offer professor Surbhi pandit makes my life easy in khalsa college.
Placement Experience
In my view, placement need to be improved. Graduates are employed and earning good salaries and they have good accommodation. Even though like this once you get a government job, can earn more salary.
College Events
Structure is pretty old but has all that you need to graduate besides it's happy place unlike those Colleges like markets. Atmosphere is much spacious. Equipments are old but they are there. And real life experience is there when you make things work from available Things.
Campus Life
Infrastructure of our college is good, but nothing else is good. Some of the tutors are excellent, but some are illiterate as they don't even know how to teach their subject. Despite, all the classrooms are well-maintained, and laboratories are well-equipped.
Hostel Facilities
The infrastructure of a college plays a vital role in the development of the college as the students are now focusing on the labs, class rooms, etc while selecting a college. It is important that the colleges have very good infrastructure with advanced laboratories equipped with state of the art equipment etc.