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Questions Asked On AFMC Pune, Pune

What type of questions are asked in the interview for admission to AFMC Pune?

Kalyan Sahu Posted On : September 22nd, 2023

Firstly you need to be sure of your decision to join AFMC Pune because you can never perform well if you are in a dilemma. You need to portray your genuine self during the interview, that is the key to getting selected. Your interview shouldn’t seem forced. 

  • When you come for the interview, you will go through certificate deposition, wherein a file about you is initiated. You will score extra marks for the certificates you already have.
  • This will be followed by ToELR, a Test of English Language and Reasoning. It’s an 80-mark test consisting of 40 marks for English and 40 for Mathematics and logical abilities.
  • For English, all you need is basic knowledge of the language. For this, you can just take some short online English tests consisting of comprehension synonyms and antonyms.
  • For Mathematics, you need to be the origin of your concepts and also have a strong presence of mind. 
  • The psychological test will evaluate your real self and I don’t think there is any right way to prepare for this.
  • This is followed by a preliminary interview with the Brigadier(Adm). During this round, your file is updated for the final round. 
  • Lastly, the most crucial round is the panel interview. This interview is conducted by a panel of psychologists, the Dean, and several other intelligent and prestigious members of AMC. They will evaluate your basic knowledge about your area, your interests, and your hobbies. 

The key to ace these institutes is to stay confident and genuine! 

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How hectic is AFMC Pune?

Kalyan Sahu Posted On : September 22nd, 2023

The level of hecticness at AFMC Pune or any medical college actually depends on the kind of crowd you are surrounded with. While most believe that your life becomes peaceful once the first term is over, I negate this opinion because, in reality, you will experience the most hectic life during those initial days. Once again, here, I answer what I have experienced.

A close friend shared his experience of the initial days at AFMC. 

  • On the first evening, he along with his batchmates were summoned by the fresher NCO. He informed everyone about the rules and regulations they were required to follow. 
  • The first day began with early morning PT before which everyone had shaved off their face and worn the PT uniform. A headcount confirmed the attendance and they were asked to run from U block to Otilia Mascarenhas Sports Ground. 
  • They were then required to change and assemble to go to Central Cadets Mess in just 15 minutes. After that, they headed to their lectures.
  • After classes were over, they went back to U block and were called for evening games an hour later. Games were followed by dinner. 
  • After dinner, the students assembled for the last task of the day, orientation. 
  • After the orientation, their mess warden addressed them and they were finally dismissed.

Overall, the fresher term is the most hectic time at AFMC also because you haven't adjusted to the environment. But slowly the burden is reduced and you start enjoying your college life.

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How is the campus of AFMC Pune? Can you share your picture in the AFMC uniform?

Aditi Deshpande Posted On : September 22nd, 2023
Lives in Pune,Maharashtra

AFMC Pune has a beautiful campus and you will create a lot of unforgettable memories here. My friend was a student and shared a lot of pictures of his college days. I am attaching a few for reference:

His batchmates in uniform


Practice for the college fest Silhouettes


Lohri Celebration


Last day of college celebration


Classroom sessions


Front of the building that has lecture halls


Freshers Orientation


The Inter-floor cricket competition


Lush green campus


Hope these pictures were enough to get an idea about the beauty of the campus.

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How is AFMC better than AIIMS Delhi?

Akriti Banerjee Posted On : May 30th, 2023
lives in New Delhi

While the majority of medical aspirants would prefer AIIMS over AFMC, my sister was a different breed and was adamant about AFMC. Here are a few pros she shared of AFMC that made her choose it over AIIMS.

  • The doctors here are relatively healthy and fit unlike AIIMS doctors that are always sleep-deprived 
  • Because of less competition, you are assured of a PG seat.
  • The small batch results in a close-knitted family and you always have downtime to help you in your time of need. 
  • The mess etiquettes here are very unique and you will end up loving the food here.
  • Every sport and hobby is promoted here through a number of clubs Name any sport or hobby. 
  • Pune has been declared as the happiest city in Maharashtra in India. You get to experience the beautiful city life and Mumbai is not far away.
  • The classroom lectures are well delivered by ever-present professors.

These are some points that make AFMC unique in contrast to AIIMS.

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What is the minimum rank I should get in AIPMT for admission in AFMC, Pune?

Aditi Deshpande Posted On : September 22nd, 2023
Lives in Pune,Maharashtra

First of all, AFMC does not consider AIPMT ranks anymore for admission. The NEET 2023 is the sole criterion that is given consideration for the MBBS program offered by AFMC Pune. Only the candidates meeting the qualifying NEET 2023 Cut-off are eligible to participate in the counseling process. After every round of NEET counseling, the last rank at which admission is possible is released based on the seat allotment result. 

AFMC has yet to release the NEET 2023 Cutoff so you can refer to the previous year's cutoffs


AFMC NEET Cutoff 2021





Hope this helps you!

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What bond does a student have to sign to get into AFMC Pune?

Sanjana Kapoor Posted On : September 22nd, 2023

To get into AFMC Pune, one must sign either of these bonds

  • SSC : The SSC or the short service commission is for a duration of 7 years and you will have to pay a penalty of around INR 28 Lakhs if you break the bond or quit. If you opt for this bond, you can apply for PG only after you complete 7 years. However, you can do your DNB after 4 years.
  • PC : The PC or the permanent commission requires you to serve in the armed forces till you retire, that is for 20 years. If you opt for this bond in the armed forces after completing your MBBS, you can do your PG after 4 years.

Hope this helps you!

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Should I choose AFMC over AIIMS Raipur or any new AIIMS?

Naomie Mredha Posted On : November 16th, 2022
M.B.B.S. from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) (Expected 2023)

Every AIIMS is good and not much comparable. But if you compare it to AFMC, there are some things you need to know.

Firstly AFMC has a bond of 1 cr rupees if you want to quit after MBBS. But the infrastructure of AFMC Isi is exceptionally good. It just does not provide you the basic medical facilities but trains you in shooting, swimming, working in challenging conditions, daily PT, etc. All this will prepare you for a tough future.

The best part of AIIMS on the other hand is no bond is required to be signed. AIIMS focuses on medical facilities only. The classrooms are well-designed. The library, playground, gym, and other facilities add to the overall infrastructure of the college.

I will recommend that you go for AIIMS if you are willing to pursue PG right after MBBS. AFMC on the other hand lets you pursue PG only after serving for a fixed period of time. But don’t worry, the internship offers a good amount of money.

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In AFMC Pune, what is the schedule for MBBS students? What time do they get up, when do the lectures start, when is dinner? What is the routine there?

Aditi Deshpande Posted On : October 3rd, 2023
Lives in Pune,Maharashtra

The schedule is quite busy, especially for final year cadets. But if you learn time management during your faccha term, you’ll manage everything with grace.

All the batches have two theory classes from 8 AM to 10:30 AM, followed by clinics ( during the first year, you’ll have practicals instead). 10:30 AM -11:00 AM is break time. Clinical Postings take place between 11 to 12:50 PM. You will have to reach the Command Hospital (CH) for clinical postings.

After Lunch, you’ll have DH/practicals/tutorials between 2-4 pm. You’ll get free by 4 pm. But on Wednesdays and Saturdays, no academic sessions are held post lunch. Between 5 - 8 PM, you can go swimming, to the gym, to the library, etc. During the final year, you’ll have evening clinics between 6-8 PM. You can visit the reading room to study at night. On Fridays, you’ll get to watch a movie in the Dhanvantari Auditorium.

This is the basic routine of a cadet at AFMC Pune. Also, there is a requirement of 75%+ attendance in theory classes, and 80%+ attendance in clinical postings.

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How will be my daughter's life at AFMC Pune?

Sanjana Kapoor Posted On : September 22nd, 2023

To start, girls are very safe at AFMC Pune. The administration is very supportive of females. Here are a few things your daughter can expect from AFMC-

  1. AFMC Pune allows mobile phones, and the students are provided with a sim of Maharashtra. You can call your daughter anytime you want, and vice versa.
  2. She’ll get a vacation twice a year, for 15 days each time. But she’ll love AFMC so much that even these 15 days will seem like a lot.
  3. The hostel washrooms are cleaned every day, and provided with basic facilities like tissues, geysers, etc.
  4. The uniform consists of a shirt, tie, and trousers of light brown color. She will get two sets of it, along with one full-sleeve set, a blazer, and a sweater. The laundry person visits twice a week to wash and iron the uniform.
  5. She’ll get a lot of voluntary tours and outings. There are events around Pune about twice every week, and she can attend independently or on behalf of the college. After the first 6 months, she can go for outings by herself, without any restrictions.
  6. With a good NEET score and a command of Maths and English, she’ll get into AFMC. But the interview matters the most. If she is confident and expressive, the interview will go well too. As far as medical is concerned, she shouldn't be obese or suffering from a serious medical abnormality.
  7. Morning PT stops after the third term (1.5 years). NCC drill also continues for the same time. PT will make her active and inculcate the habit of waking up early. 

It is great that your daughter plans to join AFMC. She will love her journey throughout.

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Why did you chose AIIMS Bhubaneswar over AFMC Pune?

Hrishita Das, Posted On : June 1st, 2023
MBBS from AIIMS, Bhubaneshwar (2021)

My sister left AFMC for AIIMS Bhubaneswar not because the institute was better but because she had several personal reasons that led her to the decision. In fact, AFMC l has a better campus and better facilities than AIIMS Bhubaneswar, however, it also has a commitment to serve the armed forces. This may hinder your growth to an extent.

Our family was completely against her going to Pune for studies and most importantly working in the forces for a lifetime. She appeared for the interview and the beauty of the campus encompassed her, after which she enrolled herself. However, the 7 days window period which allows you to exit within 7 days taught here a lot. She realized that she won’t be able to cope up with the hectic life among students who were mostly from army backgrounds. The overall environment was very rigid with millions of rules and regulations. Our father decided to get her out do AFMC and enrolled her in AIIMS Bhubaneswar which was much rarer than our home. 

Now, as a student of AIIMS Bhubaneswar, she is truly satisfied with her quality of college life though she sometimes looks back at the missed opportunity to serve the country. But seeing her family more satisfied with Bhubaneswar she knew she had taken the right decision. 

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