Best Geography Universities/Colleges in New Zealand - Rankings, Programs, Fees, Admission Process, Scholarships
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Found 4 universities
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CD RankCollege InfoTuition Fees & living Cost(Avg.)Top CoursesRanking & Reviews
#1University of Otago logo

University of Otago, Dunedin

South Island, New Zealand58%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $28K/Yr (NZ$45,104/Yr)Living$10.7K/Yr (NZ$17,200/Yr)Admission M.S GeologyTOEFL95PTE58$30.2K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
4+ More Programs
Ranked 201 by ARWU in 2022
#2University of Waikato logo

University of Waikato, Hamilton

North Island, New Zealand70%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $23.9K/Yr (NZ$38,535/Yr)Living$9K/Yr (NZ$14,504/Yr)Admission B.A GeographyIELTS6$23.7K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years
2+ More Programs
9.0/10(4 Users)Ranked 201 by ARWU in 2022
#3Victoria University of Wellington logo

Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington

North Island, New Zealand64%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $23.4K/Yr (NZ$37,772/Yr)Living$7.7K/Yr (NZ$12,350/Yr)Admission M.S GeologyIELTS6.0PTE58$26.1K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
3+ More Programs
Ranked 201 by ARWU in 2022
#4University of Canterbury logo

University of Canterbury, Christchurch

South Island, New Zealand50%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $26.2K/Yr (NZ$42,183/Yr)Living$992/Yr (NZ$1,600/Yr)Admission M.A Geographic Information Scien...IELTS6.5PTE58$30.9K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
3+ More Programs
7.2/10(1 User)Ranked 201 by ARWU in 2022