Best Data Science And Analytics Universities/Colleges in Italy - Rankings, Programs, Fees, Admission Process, Scholarships
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Found 3 universities
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#1Sapienza University of Rome logo

Sapienza University of Rome, San Severo

Lazio, Italy40%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $3.2K/Yr (€2,924/Yr) M.S Data ScienceIELTS6.5$3.2K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
2+ More Programs
#2University of Milan logo

University of Milan, Milan

Apulia, Italy21%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $222/Yr (€200/Yr) M.S Data Science and EconomicsIELTS6$222/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
Ranked 351 by THE in 2024Ranked 285 by QS in 2025
#3University of Pisa logo

University of Pisa, Pisa

Tuscany, Italy39%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $2.7K/Yr (€2,400/Yr) M.S Data science and Business In...TOEFL90$2.7K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
2+ More Programs
Ranked 401 by THE in 2024Ranked 382 by QS in 2025